So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet: “I will open My mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world.”Ephesians 1:9-10And He has made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ /...
He is the One who’s done great things. Who is like You, God(v. 19)? All of these descriptors, among the dozens of others proclaimed in the psalms, do make clear: P.S. My list of God-descriptors has become the basis for personal worship. Each morning I slowly read and pray back...
He is the One who’s done great things. Who is like You, God (v. 19)? All of these descriptors, among the dozens of others proclaimed in the psalms, do make clear: P.S. My list of God-descriptors has become the basis for personal worship. Each morning I slowly read and pray ...
Because we’re not abiding in God. We’re putting ourselves in God’s place. We’re focusing on the wrong things; money, success, beauty, ourselves. All of these things are good, but not when they get in the way of our relationship with God. If you find yourself in denial of God ...
Another day, Atreus writes how things around them have changed drastically. He can feel that the forest itself is getting ready for something and is afraid. The Lake of Nine has now completely frozen over and Odin has completely blocked access to the travel room in Týr's Temple thereby ...
We’ll discuss how these hidden struggles can drain our strength and disrupt our relationship with Him. By sharing personal stories and biblical wisdom, we’ll highlight the importance of self-reflection and vigilance in our faith. Together, we’ll explore practical ways to recognize and...
One day, everything that there is to know about us will be known by everyone else. All the good things in our lives — the deep things, the hidden things, the things that show just how good God has been to us — all these will be on display for his glory, a reflection of all ...
We must seek after the things of God, and not after the things of this world. We must forgive those who hurt even, even to death. We must entrust ourselves to God – He has got us! St Stephen the protomartyr. Icon by Theophili ...
The acrimony, the bitter and caustic attacks, are not even hidden or shrouded anymore; they are out in the open for all to see. These are, I know, harsh words. Yet I have stood back and watched patiently over the last two years; and what I have seen has with equal measure surprised...
They didn’t see then that the Kingdom of Heaven was in the midst of them, that in all these things they were more than conquerors through Him who loved them. But now they see the beauty of the heavenly Jerusalem coming down from heaven from God, that was in the midst of them all ...