"Time as you know it has always existed, even in non-existence. For it is with time everything has changed, grown, and evolved, even in the realms of the beyond." - Observer Long ago, dating back roughly during the creation of the mortal realms, we're tw
That verse also says you delight in those who put theirhopein Your unfailing love. What does effectual hope look like? GOD:First, confident. It pleases Me when My children look for evidence of My attributes at work in their lives and as the evidence mounts, become more and more confident ...
thenthey delayed it till the next dayandfinally had him settle the case. I suspect it was because they couldn’t go forward with the other plans they had for Inauguration Day and the day after. Now they’ve come up with another reason to fly him to the UK: the birth of a...
In keeping with this “let hell break out” theme, my partner Onnabugeisha has noted that there will be“signs in the heavens” to herald the opening of the Gate to Hell. Thedwarf planet Ceres, named after the Roman goddesswho was theguardian of Rome’s portals to the underworld, will ...
God is not a human. We might sometimes think having someone else make a request on our behalf (because that person has greater status or is well-liked by the person we are making the request of) makes a favorable response more likely. The request-grantor might be more agreeable as a fav...
He has good plans for us, plans for hope and a future of hope and prosperity (Jer 29;11) When I started asking “Why are you downcast O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me?”, the answer was “Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, ...
His greater purpose for me is once again flowing through my bloodstream and I once again feel alive. Thanks to my morning worship time, in my bathroom, soaked in tears. There He whispered to my heart…”Kimberly, it is going to be alright. I am caring for YOU and your loved ones righ...
t sound as sarcastic or perturbed as I hear Him in my head. In my mind this part of the verse sounds a little more like this: “Helllllloooooo! Seriously! It’s me. I’m the one who comforts you.” The next part that follows also has a tone, “how can you be afraid of ...
God brought me to a verse that had the numbers 137 just like in Luke 1:37. A few weeks later God gave me an even greater blessing within my trial. I realized I was going in the wrong direction. God put the roadblock so I would take a different route. If He didn’t put the road...
Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) publi...