Many times, we get discouraged and start wondering what God is doing. We may even find ourselves asking God why certain things are happening and if there is a purpose to it all. But God has a plan, and He know exactly what it is.You can trust that He is keeping you and your needs...
So the principles the world uses to gain wealth were in the Word of God all the time! As we walk in harmony with the Bible in the area of our finances and claim the promises God has made to us regarding living the abundant life, we will then lead the world as the head, not the ...
As they move away from the window, Atreus states that he has a plan to see an “old friend” in Midgard to get information about Loki and Ragnarök, who Sindri quickly deduced to be Freya. The dwarf tries to convince the young god not to do so, stating that Freya would likely try...
But God left us a treasure trove of promises in the Bible, so there would be hope for every life situation. The best way to increase your faith is to face a situation where you must cling to a promise God has given you. In essence, that means you’re clinging to who God is and w...
They’ll unfriend you after one conflict. If we think God’s mercy is like man’s mercy, we’ll think He has a cut-off point. We’ll think after so many mess ups, He’ll cut us off, leave us to fend for ourselves, won’t protect us, or punish us. None of these things are...
We’re told in Proverbs 11:25 (NIV) that “a generous person will prosper” and “whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” That’s the whole reason we follow God’s ways of handling money. The Bible’s financial plan may seem simple, but it works every time. It’s time for us...
Have patience, faith, and trust in God’s Actions! He has a plan for you and you will get it at the perfect time!#QuotesaboutGodsTiming #Godstimingquotes You May Also Like: “God’s Love and Faith Quotes“ Best Gods Timing Quotes to Overcome Hard Times ...
,“ For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” He has thoroughly thought out your destiny and takes delight in seeing you fulfill it. Many subscribers to these devotionals have told me that they have lived...
As the Goddess of Love, Freya has slept with and loved many men. She slept with the Dwarves to get the necklace Brisingamen. Freya also fell in love with a God known as Odr. Odr had made the Gods angry on several occasions until one day they had enough and turned him into a Sea...
The Spirit had just descended on Him like a dove. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – Three in One – went into the wilderness to fight for us. They did what we could not do. When the Spirit leads us into wilderness seasons, He does not lead us where He has not already gone ...