“A lunar eclipse in the month of Adar is a sign that there will be war among the Sons of Ishmael who are connected to the moon,” Rabbi Genuth said.“It is also a sign of famine and drought in the West.” Rabbi Genuth noted thatthere will also be a solar eclipse on March 29, ...
There is a meme, a lie, really, within much of the Christian world that atheists are Satanic, or at least deceived in this Baudelairesque fashion. According to this meme, the devil is a liar, thus atheism is a lie. This idea is rooted in Christian scripture where Satan is seen as t...
I’m not certain, but thePresbyteriantradition teaches that it is an outward sign of an inward grace. Our tradition also says that it is the sign and seal of our incorporation into Jesus Christ. Reformed tradition understands baptism to be a sign of God’s covenant, linked with the waters ...
The Lord was teaching His disciples that the new covenant age was at hand, to come within that generation, finally with the apocalyptic judgment upon apostate Israel as a sign of the ascended Son of Man in heaven per Matthew 24:30: “…and then shall appear the sign of the Son ...
(To Hwa Ryun) "You said you would teach me the way to be the heroine when you were guiding me. But it was a lie. The hero you choose was Baam. And I was just bait to make him go up the Tower. But I have found the way to become a heroine myself. It's nothing special.If...
;) So this spring a couple of friends and I finally decided to just sign up and jump on a jet place for a weekend with 800+ other women, and it was like pink drink to my soul – ha ha. Nourishing, delicious, so what I needed. ...
he trained as a welder, and—though he was the youngest-ever vice president at general motors, served as ceo of docusign, and cofounded the software company ariba—he still comes across as disarmingly wholesome. before his stint at the state department, he’d had no experience in government...
Setting aside the prophetic and political the answer of “why” comes down to Israel’s lack of faithfulness.Both literally and metaphorically when the walls are down it is a sign your fidelity has been compromised. You may be experiencing broken walls in your marriage, work, family, friends ...
It asks me to sign in with Apple ID (even though I’m already signed in), then when I sign in, it encounters an error and doesn’t give me anything for free. I tested this with other games on my phone, and they work fine. God mode works great though Reply Reactions: ...
Roberts is a particularly shrill propagandist who assails “insane” American policy. On top of the clear propaganda signature offered by his writings and interviews, he makes a point of displaying the “Hidden Hand” gang sign of the “elite” on his webpage… All this triggers “Ken’s ...