God gave noah the rainbow sign上帝给了诺亚一个彩虹标志 No more water but the fire next time下一次别再喝那种东西只会引火烧身 Hide me over rock of ages cleft for me把我藏在岁月的石缝里 Poor old Lazarus poor as I可怜的拉撒路和我一样可怜 Don't you see (don't you see)你是否明...
mountaintop Tide me over, Rock of Ages, cleft for meGodgaveNoahtherainbowsignDon't you see (don't you see)GodgaveNoahtherainbowsignDon't you seeGodgaveNoahtherainbowsign ... 歌词 原文:StanleyRalph.GodGaveNoahTheRainbowSign. 译文: 拉尔夫斯坦利. 上帝给了诺亚的彩虹登录....
God sets a rainbow in the sky as a sign of the covenant (ot brit / אוֹת בְּרִית) with all people of the earth:“I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.”(Genesis 9:13) ...
He placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise to Noah. He told Abraham to look up at the sky and count the stars as a sign of the promise He made to him. We need only look up to remember the promises He has made to us. When we look at the fruits of the Spirit,...
GOD:Let’s begin with an example from the physical realm. Think of standing on a ridge above an ocean beach after a tropical storm. You watch in amazement as mammoth waves pound against the shore—powerful enough to slide a building off its foundation. That display manifests a modicum of...
I wonder, might that celestial light have been rainbow-infused? Consider Revelation 4:3 where the Apostle John tries to describe the glory around God’s throne. He wrote, “A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne.” Perhaps those same, glorious rainbow hues swirled in the...
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