'Cause the flag still stands for freedom And they can't take that away And I'm proud to be an American Where at least I know I'm free And I won't forget the men who died Who gave that right to me And I'd gladly stand up next to you And defend her still today ...
they come to realize no one is going to set them free. The socialist or communist government’s hand-outs trap them. Free services ensnare; with the other side of the governmental “gift” – regulations and restrictions. Placing desires before freedom, ensnared nations lose the will to fight...
First…. President Biden told the world it is his staff who tell him who to call on for softball questions, (Before taking any questions, Biden acknowledged that his staff had told him ahead of time which reporters would get a crack. “As usual, folks, they gave me a list of people ...
and God’s called you to punish me? Sri Aurobindo gave this commandment: thou shalt punish the wayward sadhak? The Mother despised sin and dealt out punishments to people? The Integral Yoga hates sin? The One cannot stomach me? Let’s look at your business. You don’t know who you are...
“For no matter what America once was, it is no longer just a Judeo-Christian nation.” (Obama speech) That America, the America of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson’s America, The America of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, the America of the men who gave birth this ...
This is a question that was asked of me by a member of the church of christ can you please [sic} help with a {sic} answer? If the Roman Catholic church gave the world the Bible, being infallible, then why did Rome reject or question the inspiration of James and Hebrews, then later...