It is up to God whether to give Michael freedom or whether to create him at all, but it is not within the power of even an omnipotent God to actualize the possible world where Michael does not eat the apple. Therefore, it is just not true that an omnipotent God can do anything, ...
God, evil and the metaphysics of freedom Este artigo e uma traducao, para o portugues, do nono capitulo do livro The Nature of Necessity de Alvin Plantinga, de 1974. Neste, esta exposta, na sua forma mais completa, a famosa defesa do livre arbitrio para o problema do mal. Utili... AN...
Part 1 Atheological arguments and the nature of God: the logic of omnipotence, Harry Frankfurt eternity, Eleonore Stump and Norman Kretzmann facts, John Martin Fischer. Part 2 The problem of evil: freedom and the free will defense, Richard M. Gale middle knowledge and the problem of evil, ...
Conclusion: the stakes of evil Cashing out one’s own views on evil will move one closer to theism and away from atheism. One who is a theist, or who supplies an objective moral standard, can critique the God of the Bible. However, well informed readings of the Bible find God to be ...
them, hence they are truly at peace in this life. In cold and heat, in rain and wind, the soul united to God says: "I want it to be warm, to be cold, windy, to rain, because God wills it." This is the beautiful freedom of the sons of God, and it is worth vastly more ...
And I am not a "naturalist" (if that is the correct term). Yes, I have the freedom to choose to be an atheist. I do not have an explanation for why I have that choice. I am not a know-it-all. I accept that there are some answers I do not have. I do not believe that ...
If I understand that Chris considers himself a “Theistic Determinist” and by that he means EXHAUSTIVE determinism. AND at the same time he accepts Libertarian freedom – it appears Chris hasn’t thought that through very well – for the two positions are mutually exclusive. ...
) freedom to choose A or -A. Meaning you *can* choose otherwise. You *won’t* choose otherwise, but you can. Also, the choice is self-determined, which is a weaker, but also sufficient condition for libertarian freedom. Craig actually endorses this latter view of libertarian freedom....
Molina’s doctrine has profound implications for divine providence. For it enables God to exercise providential control of free creatures without abridging the free exercise of their wills. In virtue of His knowledge of counterfactuals of creaturely freedom and His freedom to decree that certain circ...
But this version of the question is also the easiest to answer: the universe would not be as good if we were not free, and this freedom is worth the possibility of evil. But how small this human-caused misery begins to look compared to the misery caused by God. In Hurricane Katrina, ...