8:12; 10:16-17).When God forgives our sins; He forgets them. That means He no longer holds our sins against us. Can you be forgiven for sins you don't remember? And nowour sins can be completely forgiven-- all of them. The Bible says, "He saved us, not because of righteous thi...
When God forgives our sins, He forgets them. Don’t stop trusting God just as you are ready to reach your goal. (Jeremiah 31:34 & Biblical Characters) Be corrected by God and become who God intended you to be. Train your tongue intentionally to speak well, and also train your brain i...
How to Find Spirituality Spirituality is a quest that makes an impression on you through the strength of your faith, spirituality is basically not of our physical realm, it concerns our souls and what their agendas might happen to be,
Yes, Godforgets ourpast, for He has forgiven us of all the mean, low-down things we have done. Our past has changed, because, in God's eyes, we have no past, only a great future. ... By His Holy Word, He forgives and forgets your past, changing you forever. Who can change a...
You can’t go back and change what you have done but 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, God forgives us and cleanses us of all unrighteousness.” The Bible also tells us that God not only forgives our sins but forgets them. It is satan who reminds you of your past sins...
When we regret; he forgets. I will forgive their sins and will no longer remember their wrongs.” —Hebrews 8:12 GNT When we hunger; he fills. Blessed [joyful, nourished by God’s goodness] are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness [those who actively seek right standing with God...
Just as God forgets the sins of those whom he forgives, so too will you be able to forget the sins of the people you forgive. Again, I’m not talking about information literally being erased from your memory. But when you forgive someone, you are actually freeing yourself because you ...
Olutoju wa, (Our Keeper) Onibuore,(God whose barn is full of blessing) Afunni ma s’iregun,(The God who blesses without asking for reward) Adanimagbagbe, (The creator who never forgets the created) Oyigiyigi, (Great and Mighty) ...
I am so glad God doesn’t give me what I deserve, but rather, in his compassion, his mercy, and love, which have always been part of his actions toward his children – humanity – he extends his grace instead. He forgives our sins. He forgets our transgressions. He wipes away the wr...
“We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing; He chastens and hastens His will to make known. The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing. Sing praises to His Name; He forgets not His own. “Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining, Ordaining, maintaining His kingdom di...