The principle states that whatever exists or happens must have a sufficient reason for its existence or occurrence either in itself or in something else; in other words that whatever does not exist of absolute necessity—whatever is not self-existent—cannot exist without a proportionate cause ...
The Bible does depict God sitting on a throne conversing with angels and demons in this realm (see Job 1 or Rev 4), so who knows?! I suspect that God the Father shows up “bodily” in any other realm in the same way He does in ours: strictly metaphorically. The Bible also talks ...
General revelation does not reveal Christ. Scripture doesn't attempt to prove God's existence. It assumes that God's existence is plainly visible throughout creation to all men everywhere. It is God's revealing voice. God's work in nature precedes God's words in history. It is a self-re...
Answer:It absolutely does. Stephen Hawking uses the word "God" to mean "The Supreme Being,". The Prime Mover," "The Creator of the Universe." It does not matter if this "Being" is called God, Allah, Vishnu, Zeus, or Quetzalcoatl. Stephen used the term "God" because that is the te...
Philo is also the first Jewish writer who undertakes to prove the existence of God. His arguments are of two kinds: those drawn from nature, and those supplied by the intuitions of the soul. Man's mind, also invisible, occupies in him the same position as does that of God in the univ...
Philo is also the first Jewish writer who undertakes to prove the existence of God. His arguments are of two kinds: those drawn from nature, and those supplied by the intuitions of the soul. Man's mind, also invisible, occupies in him the same position as does that of God in the univ...
From publisher blurb: The MEMORIES OF THE TOAD GOD series focuses on the frontier town of Kraden’s Hill. This module serves as a convenient tie-in to the rest of the series, introducing the characters to the region and giving them a reason to cont
Such a hypothetical statement could never be a proof of preexistence. But the ease and naturalness with which we all can say such things is evidence of a deep, even unaware, assumption on our part that we exist as something that precedes and transcends the particular form in which we find...
(that they are), and their existence (the simple fact that they are something and not nothing) of another being, which is "master of being", which exists by itself, which is uncaused, does not need another being to exist, whose nature, is the very being (which coincides with the ...
the people of Israel forsook the Promised Land entirely and at the invitation of Joseph set up their homes in Egypt where they lived for hundreds of years. It was not until their very existence was threatened in Egypt by a hostile king that the day finally came for Israel’s possession of...