Worshippers aren't made when they see the enemy on the run, put to flight. The truth is, worshippers of God are made during dark, stormy nights. And how we respond to our storms determines just what kind of worshippers we are. —David Wilkerson 143 If we could condense all the truths ...
It’s why we keep ourselves so furtively busy, so we won’t have time to slow down and acknowledge that we’ve lost something essential. When my children were little—during those early parenting years when, despite the cherubic presence of little ones, the world can sometimes seem the mos...
When we truly receive God’s love, and fall in love with Jesus, then the desires of His heart become the desires of our heart. Imagine being married and you mainly saw your spouse 1 or 2 times per week. Imagine only pursuing them in crisis. Imagine mainly talking to them to get your...
The term “kingdom of heaven” does not refer to heaven itself, or to going to heaven when we die, but instead refers to the rule and reign of God here on earth now. Those who enter into the kingdom, inherit the kingdom, or experience the kingdom are those who live in light of ...
词条godlike在英语 » 德语中的译文 (跳至德语 » 英语) god·like[ˈgɒdlaɪk,美ˈgɑ:d-]形 1. godlike(similar to God): godlikeperson gottähnlich godlikepowers göttlich 单数在互联网中有5个示例复数在互联网中有5个示例 ...
As I briefly explained in the previous study of Ephesians 2:5-7, the word “salvation” means “deliverance” and the context of the passage determines what kind of deliverance is in view. When you perform this study on every passage in the Bible (as I have done), you discover that ...
When we learn to fully accept God’s will, suffering becomes a gift. There is no longer a reason to say, “it should not be this way”. Suffering takes on a whole new character. It becomes redemptive. Perhaps the truth of suffering is that it is destined to become either the means ...
This is because the Moon is gradually drifting away - to the tune of 1½ inches per year - and the Moon's gravity pull on us determines the rate at which our earth spins. When the Moon was originally created a day was only about four hours long. Now this means you literally have ...
All of this leads to the notion that one Church is as good as another and only the “heart” of the individual believer really determines whether they are a part of the true, invisible Church. We must admit at the outset that this ecclesiastical sleight of hand by the original Protestant ...
God knew when we would begin our spiritual journeys. He romanced us first. That’s the beauty of God as Alpha. As Omega, God is preparing an ending shrouded in divine mystery. His foreknowledge determines how our stories will end. Beyond earthly thrones. Above cultural dynamics. More ...