God created us. God knows what we need. God knows we need down-time. Psalm 139 reveals this intimate knowledge that God has for each of us: 1 You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern...
Welcome to GodMadeUs.com This site is dedicated to all of those who want to sincerely serve God. Here you will find information, articles and lessons based purely upon scripture. You will also find an ever-growing collection of information on creation and Biblical archeology which proves the ...
John Lennox 指出,之所以这能指向神,首先是因为圣经给了我们一个具有因果足够性的解释:神创造了一切,故而也创造了这一切数学语言和科学规律;而人之所以能使用理性来理解这个世界,是因为人是按照神的形象造的: So God created man in hisownimage, in the image of God created he him; male and female created...
“Say: Go all over the earth and behold how [wondrously] He has created [man] in the first instance: and thus, too, will God bring into being your second life – for, verily, God has power to will anything.” (Quran 20:29) God’s handiwork is also present within the individual: ...
God is holiness. Yet God himself has in his revelation instructed us to make distinctions with respect to his Being. These distinctions help us to understand something of the weak and the richness of his Being. If we think of the relation of the attributes of God to his being in this...
The action of the triune God is the appropriate context for locating Scripture's salvific ministry. Moreover, Scripture is space that God gives us without violating our creatureliness. Scripture is both part of the created order and a participant within God's saving history. The doctrine of ...
Our five senses help us connect with God more intimately in solitude. Many people call itQuiet Time—moments they spend with God in scripture reading/study, prayer, perhaps journaling, and/or listening to peaceful worship music. It’s in the quiet we begin toseeimportant realities of the spir...
Think of it: He created all things! He sustains all things! He has supremacy over all things! He is our Emmanuel (God with us), our Good Shepherd, our Wonderful Counselor, and so much more[6]! God hears us as we pray, loves us with an everlasting love, empowers us through the Ho...
This need so many of us have to constantly seek out new types of self care reminds me of the Scripture:Seek the Lord while he may be found.(Isaiah 55:6) There is absolutely a time and a place for this kind of spiritual quest, but if I’m being honest, there are times when I’...
He’s the One who created us. The One who knows us inside and out, who can see our thoughts before we form them. We are neveroutsidehis love. He invites usinside, to feel the closeness of his Spirit and the breath of his adoration. ...