we talk about going to a meeting and the Spirit showing up, or being at a specific place because God is there. We pray and talk with God, yet we wonder if our prayers are even being heard. The more I read, I am finding that we really have the whole thing backwards. God does not...
While SA/CSB is not gender-specific, the majority of individuals in this cohort are known to be heterosexual men in relationships with women; men seem to be involved in these types of interaction four times more often than women (Ballester-Arnal et al.,2013; Cooper et al.,2000; Kishor et...
that Christians are to rule the universe, what cherubim looked like, what Seraphim looked like, that Lucifer was the ‘anointed cherub,’ gifts of God’s Spirit, what angels are, when angels were created, feeding the hungry, various realities about Jesus, God’s government, and promises to ...
The true God, the mighty God, is the God of ideas. — Alfred de Vigny 53 If there is a God, he's a great mathematician. — Paul Dirac 55 The devil is God's ape! — Martin Luther 27 Do you think god stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created her...
Yahweh, you have blessed us with every blessing of a spiritual and physical nature in the heavenly realms. You chose us in Christ before you created the world. Father we want to be specially dedicated to you, holy and blameless. Lord, please continue your work in me, Make me holy and ...
I have always wondered what worship sounds like to God from way up there. I also often wondered if this is why God created different time zones, so that He is worshiped constantly in a 24 hour time span. This mashup by Louis Giglio is probably the best 15 minutes I have spent on you...
I am very thankful that the Lord has created humans smart enough to make these medications. I believe my prayers for healing have been answered by providing the antidepressants my body needs. Now this is not suggesting that everyone that struggles with depression needs antidepressants in order ...
Because I didn’t have to worry about road hazards, I could focus my attention completely on my breath and let my mind and soul take flight. As often as not, my soul would find itself nestled in the arms of my loving Father pouring out my heart to Him. I would run until all the ...
God created the bush and God created the people, who was Jonah to question God when the people of Nineveh repented. God gives third and sixth chances and never WANTS to punish us, as his children, whom God formed in our mother’s womb, but he does give us consequences. If Nineveh had...