We Can Create from Chaos as God Did with Creation
His commands are not temporary, but eternal; and whatever secondary causes were called into existence when the Elohim, by a word, created light, those same causes produce it now, and will produce it until God recalls His word. We have, then, here nature's first universal law. What is ...
God Almighty created each and every one of use for a place in the world, and for the least of us to think that we were created only to be what we are and not what we can make ourselves, is to impute an improper motive to the Creator for creating is. — Marcus Garvey 36 This i...
Time is a limited dimension, bounded by gravity and the speed of light. God exists above the limitations of the space-time continuum, and in fact created Time. Foreknowledge is possible to God because his existence is above the 4 physical dimensions we experience. His being in heaven is poss...
However, Heimdall doesn't agree with this answer, claiming that the boy had come to help himself, and was willing to manipulate and lie to anyone and everyone in order to get what he wanted. The Aesir calls him “chaos in a spiffy archer suit”, and states that no good would come ...
So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm, and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good. Translations from AramaicLamsa BibleAnd God created great sea monsters, and every living creature that...
deterred her from a full life in Christ. She was confident in who God created her to be and was thankful for the gifts she had been given. She used her talents to the best of her ability in serving the body of Christ. She was not envious but found joy in the blessings of others....
“…He (Father of the Universe)created that curtain between the immortals and those that came after them, so that the consequence might follow every aeon and chaos, so that the defect of the female might live, and she (the female) might exist, although Error fights against her. And these...
God, who is holy, created humanity with an expectation of holiness. However, the devil introduced deception, and sin spread like wildfire, manifesting in countless ways across every continent.As we know, actions have consequences, and so does sin. From Genesis to Revelation, various sins are ...
Well, they seemed to have created enough evil on the earth that God decided to destroy the whole mess — except for the one holy man, Noah, and his family. The story of the flood is pretty familiar, but after the flood an interesting event happens. Noah decided to plant a vineyard. ...