Scripture says the disciples later came to Jesus urging Him to eat and He responded by telling them, “I have a kind of food that you know nothing about… My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing His work” (v. 32-33). True nourishment comes ...
Adam and Eve one simple decision failure of all failures (Genesis 3:6,7) The woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eyes, and the tree was desirable for gaining wisdom. it may have seemed such a logical argument logic often being the garden. variety. disguise. ...
即 Eve, 作为 Adam 的 help meet. 所以下次有人贬低圣经中女性地位时,便可指出这一点来纠正:女性和男性的关系是 help meet; 而在这句的上下文中可以看出,在探索真理这件事上男性和女性都有各自的位置和责任。
The righteous people living before the flood had pined away waiting for the One promised by God to Adam and Eve in the Garden, when God said to Satan, in his form as a serpent “…He shall bruise you on the head and you shall bruise Him on the heel”. Genesis 3:15. The righteous...
22Then the LORD God said,"Look, the human beings have become like us, knowing both goodand evil. What if they reach out, take fruit from the tree of life, andeat it? Then they will live forever!" 23So the LORD God banished them from...
But scripture assures me he understands and tends to me with loving compassion and patience. Even after ten thousand affronts, God still loves me as infinitely as ever. –Charles Spurgeon,Morning by Morning, 36 ‘You know what else? God doesn’t even see the filthy rags of our misdeeds. ...
Fresco in Serbia using icon imagery to reinforce that Jesus Christ is God and created Adam & Eve. Freemasonic Wars are always a good excuse to destroy Catholic Cathedrals that contain important icons that contradict the lord deity of the bible. Freemasons then rebuild these Cathedrals their way,...
He remembers God’s faithfulness. He praises God. God desires to have the intimate relationship with us He had with Adam and Eve in the Garden. He already knows the heaviness in our hearts and minds. He wants us to openly come to Him and share our deepest needs, burdens, concerns and ...
Adam and Eve were created in perfection, yet with the capacity to LOSE it, and lose it they did. Christ died to give us back, to redeem us back, to that which was lost!!! The effect of the fall upon the body is an extensive subject. I am only giving a “tip of the ice berg...
We study our Bibles and learn that God created us in perfection and that Satan deceived Adam and Eve into sinning against God, making us all inherent sinners, condemned to eternal hell with Satan and his tormenting demons. This world is getting worse with sin and corruption, but Jesus made...