Man may break God's commandments. God always keeps His promises. Do the command but believe the promise. God's Conditional Promises Sometimes we see conditional promises in the Bible. They are "if...then" statements. God tells His people that "If" they would do something by following His...
(redirected from Commandments of God (The Ten Commandments))Also found in: Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. Ten Commandments pl.n. Bible The ten injunctions given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, serving as the basis of Mosaic Law. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
The original information on this domain has moved You may however find the material here easier to understand if you prefer a simplified presentation. For some more in depth studies on this topic, use the links to the right. There are also links to sites on...
God’s Commandments, Man’s Traditions - Then some Pharisees and scribes *came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, “Why do Your disciples break the
God's commandments are found in the Old Testament. They are the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai. These are as follow: 1.Thou shalt... Learn more about this topic: The Early Christian Church and Its Ties to Judaism
7. The Ten CommandmentsThe Ten Commandments(十诫)are a set of rules or laws, God gave to the people of Israel. The commandments exist in different versions. One version can be found in the Book of Exodus(《出埃及记》) of the Bible. The rules were written on stone tablets(牌,匾,碑)...
Samuel KayodeAbraham O. Adebo
According to the Bible records that this is God's personally inscribed by the finger on the tablets of stone, and was placed in the ark. On instructions from the Jews for life, and is also the first legal provisions guidelines. As Moses in the first meeting after the 10 Commandments, re...
Jesus told him to keep the commandments. (vs.16,17). The rich man claimed he had kept these, but wondered what more he needed to do. Jesus answered “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then c...
7. The Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments(十诫)are a set of rules or laws, God gave to the people of Israel. The commandments exist in different versions. One version can be found in the Book of Exodus(《出埃及记》) of the Bible. The rules were wri