Did God change his mind with Sodom and Gomorrah? Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, but God rescued Lot and some of his family members.While God didn't change His mind, it appears that Abraham ending up changing his. The only thing that Abraham's prayer for Sodom changed was Abraham's p...
Next came the realization that God had given him a gift for preaching, and his church licensed him to do so. Lott ministered to a small black congregation for a time, and under his leadership, it grew to over eight hundred members. Lott began receiving invitations to preach all over Virgi...
Consider also the positive impact on mind and spirit if we pray with anticipation, affirming God will act to fulfill his highest purpose. If we thank God that it will be so before it is so—that’s faith!* Such a prayer might be: I praise you, O God, for your power that can fulfi...
If God isloveand we are to live inlove, we should be followingallHis commandments. They are all focused on hislove. If there’s someone in your life you are struggling to showloveto, ask God to reveal how you can. Seek His wisdom in dealing with those who hurt you or agitate you a...
--God hasn't changed his mind --The Second Amendment is based on God's Word, and we should not trample either one. Since the school shootings, and other mass shootings, much debate has occurred over gun control. As Christians, our duty is to determine God's will on these matters, and...
Pharaoh Changed His Mind August 14, 2019Leave a comment Sixteen years ago, today, a woman gave birth to a baby boy in Guatemala. I don’t know anything about her other than her name. I don’t know what circumstances drove her to give up her child but, in her sacrifice, I have a ...
“I see that your father does not regard me as favorably as he did before. But the God of my father has been with me.6You know that I have served your father with all my strength;7yet your father has cheated me and changed my wages ten times, but God did not permit him to harm...
In 1969, Pope Paul changed name to “Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe” We still call it ‘Christ the King’ Jesus Christ is our personal Lord and saviour –our king, whose throne is in our hearts He is also creator of & King over the universe. ...
I expect this to happen even more dramatically during his second term. This makes the next verses in Amos’s prophecy, when it shifts to the Jeroboam era, particularly jarring: “[B]ehold, the Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumbline, with a plumbline in his hand. … Then said ...
God in prayer, read His word and seek out those who know Him as their savior when you have decisions or questions to discuss. Draw near to Him. Put Him at the front of your mind, and you will not be disappointed. He will draw near to you as well. What a blessed promise that is...