God draws us to salvation God first God Has Friends In Low Places God is able God Is for Us God Is Merciful to Those Who Seek Him God is My Help God is Not Punishing Us God is Watching God is With You God Is Working In You God Keeps His Promises God Knows Your...
2 Peter 3 calls us to repentance and warns of the possibility of us perishing. Repentance is an important part of our lives as followers of Christ. The Greek word for repentance means to turn around – a 180 degree about turn. In repentance, we turn away from sin and towards God. It...
Israel Has Not Returned to God 4Hear this word, you cows of Bashanon Mount Samaria, you women who oppress the poorand crush the needy and say to your husbands,“Bring us some drinks!” 2The SovereignLordhas sworn by his holiness: ...
And the apostle in the text informs us that what Christ had accomplished towards his church, the work of redemption, had not only in a great measure unveiled the mystery to the church in this world, but God had more clearly and fully opened it to the understanding even of the angels them...
In the messages, God speaks of coming events around the world, and warns, "What you see to the East is coming to the West!" God puts the U.S.A. on alert, as He calls on hearts for Salvation, pastors to preach the Gospel, and strongly instructs the Church and the Nation to repe...
By His mercy and by His covenant with us, He calls us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices ~ no longer conformed to this world, its god and its standards but transformed by the renewing of our minds by His own Word and Spirit (Romans 12:1-2). We survive victoriously and thrive in...
This deep sea of joy is made available to us as weobeyGod–another reality that makes some bristle. They don’t realize when Christ tells us to follow God’s ways, he’s not trying to make our lives miserable. He’s showing us the way to enjoyabundance of life(John 15:9-11; John...
God’s grace gives us the freedom to face God and face the truth about us in the light of God’s Word. Knowing we are fully loved and accepted by Him, He calls us to come to Him with everything so that He can help us experience freedom (John 8:32) and a more abundant life (...
/ He alone is my rock and my salvation. He is my fortress; I will never be shaken.Hebrews 4:9-11There remains, then, a Sabbath rest for the people of God. / For whoever enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from His. / Let us, therefore, make ...
Even better, those abilities allow us tomeet Godin at least five ways. Our five senses help us understand God more clearly. Consider how the far-flung stars and planets speak of his power; the clever camouflage of lizard, fawn, and frog display his wisdom; the endless variety of colors, ...