Jesus calls us to a spirit of gratitude– to be grateful that the bread from heaven has come down into our midst, and to cast aside regular bread and instead feast on this heavenly bread that leads us to eternal life. Paul, in the closing verses of Ephesians 4, similarly calls the Ephe...
2 Peter 3 calls us to repentance and warns of the possibility of us perishing. Repentance is an important part of our lives as followers of Christ. The Greek word for repentance means to turn around – a 180 degree about turn. In repentance, we turn away from sin and towards God. It...
49and the pillar Mizpah, for he said, “The Lord watch between you and me, when we are absent one from the other.50If you ill-treat my daughters, or if you take wives in addition to my daughters, though no one else is with us, remember that God is witness between...
The Aesir calls him “chaos in a spiffy archer suit”, and states that no good would come from him being in Asgard. After reaching the bottom of the lift, the two Gods ride through the streets of Gladsheim on the back of Heimdall’s mount Gulltoppr, which Atreus found almost as ...
Are wetruly listeningto Jesus, or are we holding ontoour own expectationsof what His kingdom should be? This sermon calls us to embraceour role as Spirit-filled witnesses, trust inGod’s [Father-Son-Holy-Spirit] perfect timing, andremain Christ-centered in all we do. ...
The purpose of this post is not to start another book (which I might never finish) but to speak briefly about the work God calls us to and the work that He does in and through us. Tendency to our Feelings “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus...
1:to remain stable or fixed in a state 2:to continue in a place:sojourn Ok, so if God is remaining stable in us and we, who confess that Jesus, is the Son of God remain stable in God, let’s get a clearer idea of what it means to be stable. ...
God calls us to trust God's future. Jacob did it at the Jabbok. Jesus did it in the grave. What will the church do?
Love isn’t something that is derived from within us. It is radical. It is supernatural. For the kind of love that God calls us to–the love that loves our neighbor as much as we love ourselves– that must come from Him. We cannot love like that without first being born of God.”...
This is what Jesus did on the cross, and what He revealed to us through His death and resurrection, and is how He now calls us to live our lives as His followers. This is the last idea in Ephesians 2:16, and a repeat of the point in Ephesians 2:15. There, Paul began by ...