and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.2The fear and dread of you shall rest on every animal of the earth, and on every bird of the air, on everything that creeps on the ground, and on all the fish of the sea; into your hand they are delivered.3Every...
This poem has captivated me since I first read it (probably in high school), and I’m not someone who was then or is now naturally attracted to poetic verse. But here, it seems to me, Wordsworth taps into something deeply and profoundly true: that we have our origin in God—or, as ...
For We Know Not the Time (Raymond A. Foss Poem) We should be faithful acting as we profess loving our neighbors leaving God to the rest Sharing the gospel the ... Each of Us Commissioned (Raymond A. Foss Poem) Each of us called each of us commissioned to sow the seeds the gifts...
You think I got time for bullshit? 检察官三更半夜打给我要我重审… That the justices called me in the middle of the night to review a case... 我已经判决的案子你也许觉得很高兴 ...I already sat on, that I already decided, may make you happy. 但是我却超不爽 But it pisses me off. ...
A poem byJ. Barrie Shepherd An invitation to go deeper, to penetrate the hard-worn surface of our habitual this-and-that, permit entry to images, suggestions, even fears that normally are held up at the gate. A summons to release your grip, filter beneath the spoken words, and let your...
Daughter Acrostic Poem God put years in my life; she put life in my daughter! When she gurgled in my arms as a newborn, I was ecstatic! When her baby lips called "mamma," my heart did cartwheels. When she clutched my thumb tight on her first day of school, I felt ...
This is the reward you get for loving others? – Jesus hung on the cross alone. When we are on our cross, we are alone as well. It is only then when we understand how much pain he was in. And it wasn’t just the physical pain, it is the fact that nobody cared. ...
Wallace Stevens wrote a poem about the process of giving ourselves over to a larger whole. He called it “the intensest rendezvous,” where we find ourselves drawn out of isolation “into one thing.” He wasn’t writing about the Trinity, but his words come as close as any to describing...
God is not done writing the poem of your life. So whatever you’re going through right now, look forward to tomorrow, in which God will write another stanza of your poem for you and all the world to read. I find this idea beautiful and encouraging. With every second of every day, Go...
Doctor Sherman sat on the side of the bed. ‘You collapsed in your garden. Your daughter found you. She wasn’t sure how long you had been unconscious. She called 000, and here you are. It was a minor heart attack but tests have shown little damage. We don’t believe it was seriou...