1 Then I sawa beast with ten horns and seven headsrising out of the sea. There were ten royal crowns on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads.2 The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power ...
Bless you mighty man of God. Just to keep it short, I was searching today for answers to Hebrews 10.26 I found your page, it gave me great comfort so thankyou for renewing a safe and loved place for me with God. In addition, i found it interesting, funny, very funny that one of ...
“Against the dark background of Israel’s unfaithfulness shines the bright light of the faithfulness of God. When Israel obeyed Him, He was faithful to bless; when they disobeyed Him, He was faithful to chasten; when they asked for mercy, He was faithful to forgive. God is willing to gi...
Lord, bless these ashes. Wearing them reminds us that we are from the dust of the earth. Pardon our sins and keep us faithful to the resolutions that we have made for Lent. Help us to prepare well for the celebration of your Son's glorious resurrection. Through Christ our Lord, Amen....
when the South Sea God and his temple were conferred with the holy titles for the fourth time, the god’s role to bless local stability was further manifested, which means the imperial power gradually permeated into the Lingnan culture. Third, the blessing of the South Sea God was more prom...