And being in agony He was praying very fervently; and His sweat became like drops of blood, falling down upon the ground. Exodus 5:22-23 Then Moses returned to theLordand said, “O Lord, why have You brought harm to this people? Why did You ever send me?Ever since I came to Phara...
John 1:14 declares, "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." Jesus embodies the fullness of God's revelation, and His teachings and actions are recorded in the Gospels...
Verse Concepts But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, 2 Corinthians 12:2 Verse Concepts I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I ...
Some websites are watered down, they add no commentary, and there is a lot of false things being preached online. God led me to make a website for His glory. I was working on the first website for a few months. I was doing everything in the flesh. I would rarely pray. I was d...
Today’s Bible Verse 01.21.25 Galatians 6:7-8 Be not deceived; God is not mocked:for whatsoever a man soweth,that shall he also reap.For he that soweth to his fleshshall of the flesh reap corruption;but he that soweth to the Spiritshall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. King James...
Today’s Meditation:Galatians 5:13teaches us that not to use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh. Although we Christians have liberty, but we became the bondservants of Christ to obey the laws of Christ andlet the peace of God rule in your hearts. Everyone of us needs to be the bo...
In Deuteronomy 18:18, God promised to raise up a prophet like Moses, and this is fulfilled in Jesus, who spoke with divine authority and revealed the fullness of God's will (John 1:14: "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the...
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. "Our Righteousness" ~Jeremiah 23:6 In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely. And this is the name by which he will...
26I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. ...
2Jacob became very angry with Rachel and said, “Am I in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?” 3Then she said, “Here is my maid Bilhah; go in to her, that she may bear upon my knees and that I too may have children through her.” ...