What I didn’t know was how much I would learn myself over the next several years and then also after Tinsley was born as well and started coming as a baby to that class. I learned all of those foundational Bible stories that I had not learned as a kid. I had lost most of my fa...
This is what he did with me as a newlywed, when my husband and I moved over two thousand miles away from my hometown. The reason we saw was a job opportunity, but God’s reasons were quite different. He wanted to transform my thinking, and he knew a drastic life change would push m...
If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.What is your response? Yes, today I am deciding to follow Jesus Yes, I am already a follower of...
Let me not forget that. In my last post, I focused on ways we can personally prepare for Christmas. This morning as I pray I am reminded of the importance of community. While it’s great to “hunker down” in our own little corner of the world to pray and grow closer to God, it...
Good Shepherd Great High Priest Holy and Righteous One Holy One of Israel Immanuel, God With Us Judge of All the Earth King of the Jews King of kings and Lord of lords Lamb of God Light of the World Lily of the Valley Lion of Judah Living Water Lord of Glory Man...
No Christmas season would be complete without the reading of the second chapter of Luke—the account of Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem, presiding over the birth of Jesus in a stable or cave, and receiving shepherd-guests. Toward the end of the account, as those shepherds were spreadin...
He sets for us a model for leadership and power We lead through service – to work for the best for those whom we lead, even if by sacrifice We exercise power to protect, not to dominate Often link CtK to Christ as the Good Shepherd ...
days you may feel imprisoned by despair and hopelessness.The Bible is full of promises from God that I believe will encourage you. I have put together the Bible verses I used in this book, as well as other verses that I pray will strengthen you and help you look beyond the challenges yo...
Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time; Noah walked with God. Genesis 48:15 Verse Concepts He blessed Joseph, and said,“The God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked,The God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day, Psalm 56:13 Verse Concepts For ...
I’ve created My children to also glow with the Light of My Son . Often they’re unaware of the Sonlight radiating through them, but know this: therearethose who see and find themselves drawn to My Light as a result(4). (Please forgive the mixed metaphor—this quote was too good to...