Tendril- a twisting, slender structure by which a plant (such as a grape or Tromboncino) twines around and climbs another object or plant. These tendrils will cling to other plants and often the only way to loosen their grip is to cut the tendril and separate it from the plant. It str...
As the sun rises, your eyes are drawn to the back-lit leaves of the trees, transformed into glowing, emerald-like jewels. But the trees themselves live unaware of their luminous splendor. I’ve created My children to also glow with the Light of My Son . Often they’re unaware of the ...
In Matthew 17:1-8, “After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appe...
The great Master Gardener, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in a wonderful providence, with his own hand, planted me here, where by his grace, in this part of his vineyard, I grow; and here I will abide till the great Master of the vineyard think fit to transplant me. —Samuel ...
What If God Is a Gardener? What If God Is a Gardener? “With a potent winter storm now behind us here in West Michigan, a fresh blanket of early February snow sits ten inches deep in my backyard. This hardly seems like the time to think of gardening.Yet it won’t be much longer....
As a gardener, God cultivates and cares for us. He plants us as a seed in the ground and waters us through various life experiences which gives us strength and nourishment to become beautiful fruit trees. God is responsible to maintain our beauty. Just like a gardener, God performs a rang...
So it is with us….as troubles come into our lives, we are forced to look up to the Master Gardener, Who is growing us as He pleases. The plant may not like where it is put, but it has no option, it must stay there, and flower where it is. There are times when we don’t ...
Be a Gardener. Dig a ditch. Toil and sweat. And turn the earth upside down. And seek the deepness. And water plants in time. Continue this labor. And make sweet floods to run, and noble and abundant fruits to spring. Take this food and drink, and carry it to God as your true wor...
Who falls on his face in worship, who sees what’s really going on. What beautiful tents, Jacob, oh, your homes, Israel! Like valleys stretching out in the distance, like gardens planted by rivers, Like sweet herbs planted by the gardenerGod, ...
Mary Magdalene stands weeping outside the tomb. An angel in white asks why she is weeping. She has lost her Lord twice–once in death by crucifixion and now his body is seemingly stolen. Then Jesus appears and asks her why she is weeping. Thinking he is the gardener, she asks if he ...