whose confidence is in him.8They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” ...
On the way out, the hostess stopped us. “Emily just told me what you did for her,” she said quietly. “That girl is going through a very rough time right now; she will never forget your gift!” No doubt you too can remember when a word of affirmation or gift of appreciation grea...
Tithing is no longer required, but freely giving is always a godly thing to do. If you attend an organized church and you feel they are doing what God wants for them, yes, support it. But do not feel you have to tithe. Do not let a pastor guilt you into giving because he uses ...
in churches, in the midst of the people of God. We read this in John 18:20, where, before the high priest, Jesus says, “I always taught in the synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret.” Here is Jesus affirming that ...
BIBLE VERSE OF THE DAY: GOD USES OUR TROUBLES TO 'PAVE THE WAY FOR SOMETHING GREATER' Jesus taught the disciples "many times" that leadership in his kingdom "requires humility and the willingness to submit to God" and serve others. This is revealed in previous verses in the Gospel of ...
I will always help you (Isaiah 41:13). My lovingkindness prevails over you (Psalm 117:2 AMP). I am in control of all things (Ephesians 4:6). I will work all things together for the good of those who love Me, who seek to live out My purpose for them (Romans 8:28). ...
doing. We don’t have to understand what will happen in the future. We don’t have to know why all of this is happening. We can look unto our Heavenly Father and know that He controls everything. His path is always the best way to go, even if it takes us through a dark valley....
Daily Bible Scriptures - Inspire your life with a verse a day from the word of GodYou Might Also Like Bibles Verse Reference Daily Bible Verse Reading Reference Bible Verse of the Day゜ Reference
The Bible’s financial plan may seem simple, but it works every time. It’s time for us to step up and decide to follow it. Take the Next Steps to Manage Money God’s Way Make a budget and stick to it! It’s okay if it takes a few times to get it right. ...
speech in prayer has priority over silence because only the speaking voice can keep quiet, and only speech can become silence: ‘The withdrawal or the suspension of the voice cannot be first, and vocal prayer is always presupposed, even if there are states of the religious life where it can...