God Always ForgivesMANILA, Philippines - "A face that only a mother can love," so goes an old dictum. With God, that should be rephrased thus: "God loves faces that even mothers cannot love."Manila Bulletin
I would always love them, forgive them, and be willing to die for them, and if, after I told them this, one of my daughters looked at me and said, “So I can just go stick my hand in the blender and you will still love me?” I would look at her a little strangely and ...
God always forgives when you are totally repentant and you desire to change. He forgives... and He never gets tired of forgiving. Never. You may get tired asking. I hope not. He never, never tires of forgiving. Never. —Mother Angelica 176 And people who do not know the Lord ask why...
Jesus is always our model for everything to do with Christian living, including corporate or collective Christian living – the church. This model is influenced by the readings above and also by how Jesus lived his life, related to God and people, and exercised his ministry. 1. Personal rela...
If you depend on God’s promises in Scripture, and the faithfulness of Jesus to finish in you what He started, then you will never get tripped up or afraid by the sin in your life, for you will know thatGod always loves you and always forgives. When you sin, you will be able to ...
When we fail; he forgives. “With [God], each day—each moment—is a clean slate” — Aliza Latta [3]. When we forget; he reminds. For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” —Isaiah 41:13 ESV ...
Ordinarily, God forgives, and ceases from his anger, as soon as the afflicted one makes earnest prayer to him. But this is not always so. A time comes when his wrath cannot be appeased - when "there is no remedy" (2 Chronicles 36:16). Evil has been persisted in too long. Parallel...
, God forgives and restores. This is the great gift of God’s son – Jesus comes into our world to forgive and restore. Share this: Facebook Email Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Print Loading... Posted in forgiveness, God's love for you, grace, incarnation, Jesus, Repentance, ...
We always fall short in His eyes because we always have our human ways of defying Him. We see war, oppression, pandemics, natural disasters, and we think it is God being unfair to us when it is really us who have brought these things upon ourselves. War is mankind’s desire to ...
For unbelievers, their greatest spiritual need is to hear that God loves them, forgives them, and thinks nothing but good about them. They need to hear that they can have eternal life and a relationship with God simply by believing in Jesus. And one of the best ways for the church to ...