First of all, Jesus promised to be with usalways[4]. His very nameEmmanuelmeans God with us—in the here and now, as we approach and cross the threshold of heaven, and forever thereafter. Second, in Jesus’ parable about the rich man and the poor beggar Lazaruz, the latter wascarried...
As I give thanks to God.. which always causes me to triumph in Christ Jesus! For it is He who holds my hand.. saying.. “Fear not – for I am with you.. Do not be dismayed or discouraged, for I AM your God. I will strengthen you – Yes, I WILL help you! I WILL uphold y...
Today’s Scripture really resonated with me for this time in my life. It seems for every good I do, it is rewarded with evil from those I was helping. There are times when hatred was shown for my love. Does this mean I stop doing good or I stop loving? No, this means I continue...
" experience than a straight telling of the facts because facts do not always convey the essence of the reality they are trying to express. Such is the case, some believe, with the idea of God. It is not that calling God a myth means God does not exist. It just means that God ...
The theurgists would ask for prophecy, or scripture to be explained to them and to understand further the nature of the physical universe so that they may control it. It’s from this time that we see the idea of “magic” being “evil” growing in stature. Looking at the doctrine ...
as Paul would also direct the Lord’s people, as did the Lord, and as a saint in your life also pointed the way to the Lord in His forgiveness for you: not in the sky, but in the laver of regeneration.(3)Thank Him for His grace which causes the blind to see His love in the ...
A woman, however, can ascend to fame, fortune, and accolades with a man standing faithfully beside her, and yet the story she tells herself (and everyone else) is one of her personal triumph. Her narrative is, “Look what I did.” ...
It is always (to me!) an interesting story how aLost Sheepgets found – or at least any book detective out there would so describe the thrill of locating a book considered lost to eternity in some auction sale or a the stacks of a library or in someone’s private collection. And such...
The term ‘creature’ is used elsewhere in Bahá’í scripture by `Abdu’l-Bahá to also include minerals, in addition to plants, animals, and human. A ruler who will raise up the Bahá’í Faith In 1873 Bahá’u’lláh wrote in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas: How great the blessedness that ...
that can be formulated as a finite number of principles. I used to belong to that camp, but I have changed my mind. I'm now glad that our search for understanding will never come to an end, and that we will always have the challenge of new discovery. Without it, we would stagnate....