King Godverse 实际上是任何存在与否的国王,由 Sans / The Creator 选举出来,所以他的领域可以简单地扩展到任何地方,但 King Godverse 决定不这样做。 对小神和凡人没有兴趣,他对被他们承认为国王不感兴趣,因此从不干涉他们,除了非常罕见的例外:King Godverse 的主要王国是 Godverse,一个他们居住许多神的 Omnive...
Addressing his fellow-citizens in verse he said: “O friends, in this great city that climbs the yellow slope Of Agrigentum’s citadel, who make good works your scope, Who offer to the stranger a haven quiet and fair, All hail! Among you honoured I walk with lofty air. With garlands...
All of these creations..Are full of void, they lack life, they lack free will. It's truly saddening. But what can I even say? It's their creator's thing. I have no say so in anything..." - Observer watching over creations of Godverse and other realms. "You say you're free,...
That verse also says you delight in those who put theirhopein Your unfailing love. What does effectual hope look like? GOD:First, confident. It pleases Me when My children look for evidence of My attributes at work in their lives and as the evidence mounts, become more and more confident ...
1. V.I.S.T.A 2. Omni Broken 3. Night Virus 4. Omni Virus908 5. HIM 6. Zenith Fanon 7. Glitch!sans of sans… 8. Dark Chaos Error 9. All In One 10. One In All 11. Red God 12. lnactive sans 13. God Exterminator
God has been persistently reminding me to be quiet, to use less words. He has given me this verse to meditate on that last few days. Proverbs 17:27 “A truly wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even-tempered.” ...
“all hell is gonna break out.” It’s quite illuminating that he talked about “all hell” and “breaking out,” as in “breaking outof prison,” because he is hinting atthe opening of the Gate to Hell (the “Abyss”). This opening is what’s scripted to lead to the150-day Torme...
Verse 35, the very next verse, “So the heart of Pharaoh was hardened.” Okay, so in the passage, so can’t say, the very next verse is actually the next chapter, Exodus 10:1, “The Lord said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart in the heart of his servan...
by standing up for people and by not being an adversary. The warnings are severe in Psalm 9 for those who make themselves enemies of God: “The wicked ensnared by the world of their hands. The wicked go down to the realm of the dead, all the people that forget God. … Let the nati...
Think first, convert, all verse live in concert Pull a skirt, burst, while y'all ***s star search Mind yours, why you eyeing mines for Posing like a matador, I must got something you wanna die for Touch mine, reach him up, his headline, both grant 9 inch rusty splint push...