Abonay: One of the principal angels of the zodiacal sign of Libra: Almadel Abra: Name of God or an angel (?): J CXV.37. Cfr Abrac. Abraa: PM 36 Abrac: H; (angel of the 5th month): J CXXXIII.36; L 1, L 2. Cfr Abra and Abraca. ...
Angels names,God Angel name,Guide/Guardian Angels can help you find your soul mate love,72 angels names, love match by angelic powers, spiritual teachings
In Judaism, God used various mediums to shade his appearance. Sometimes he spoke through angels, theophanies, or prophets. He spoke to Moses through a burning bush. Often he communicated to priests at the Tent of Meeting when they "cast the Urim and Thummim," which appear to be some sort...
(cf. also, Isa 9:6; 52:7; Mic 5:5; Zech 9:9-10). What were the first words of the angels when they appeared in the hills proclaiming Christ’s birth? Luke 2:13-14 says, “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, “Glo...
Second, in Jesus’ parable about the rich man and the poor beggar Lazaruz, the latter wascarried by angelsto heaven[5]. Looks like we’ll have plenty of company. But the journey from earth to heaven won’t be very long anyway. To be absent from the body is to be present with God...
God is a central character in Lucifer. He is one of the non-corporeal co-creators of the Universe along with his wife, Goddess and the father of all angels. When He became obsessed with the creation of humanity, His son, Samael staged a rebellion in an e
and in Malachi the name occurs about 25 times. The meanings and uses of this name may be thus summarized: (1) The word "hosts" is related to (a) heavenly bodies (Gen 2:1; Neh 9:6; Isa 40:26); (b) angels (Luke 2:13); (c) saints (Josh 5:15); and (d) sinners (Jud ...
God Names - The Names for God the Father Father (Matthew 6:9); The God Of Israel (Matthew 15:31); Heaven (Matthew 21:25). Power (Mark 14:62). Lord God of Israel (Luke 1:68). Lord God (Acts 3:22); The God Of Glory (Acts 7:2); The God Of Our Fathers (Acts 7:32); ...
Every week they keep a feast to the honour of the apostles and angels; they come to mass with great devotion, and love to hear the word of God. They receive the sacrament often, but do not always prepare themselves by confession. View in context give me repentance!" This was the first...
demonstrating how this divine name reflects God's supreme authority and sovereignty over all creation, both in heaven and on earth. Throughout the text, Burroughs emphasizes the vastness and might of God's heavenly armies, including the angels, stars, elements, and other celestial forces, all of...