gobuster dir -u http://blog.thm/ -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x php,html,css 还有一个重要的是使用-k可以跳过一些网站启用了证书ssl加密,但是浏览器认为是无效证书,需要点击继续访问,使用-k参数即可跳过该验证 ...
-用法:`-x <extensions>` -描述:指定要测试的文件扩展名,多个扩展名之间用逗号分隔。例如,`php,html,txt`。 7. `-r`或`--recursive`: -描述:启用递归扫描,即在找到的子目录中继续进行爆破。 8. `-k`或`--insecure`: -描述:禁用SSL证书验证,用于目标网站使用了自签名证书或其他无法验证的证书的情况。
gobuster dir -u <URL> -x php -w <wordlist> -t 64 -e 8.读取要从文件搜索的扩展名(-X) 当要搜索的扩展名有多个时,可以通过读取扩展名的文件,不需要一个个手动指定: 代码语言:shell 复制 gobuster dir -u <URL> -X <extensions-file> -w <wordlist> 9.指定HTTP请求方法(-m|--method) 不指定...
c1x1x00xxPentium/gobusterPublic forked fromOJ/gobuster NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star0 master 1Branch0Tags Code This branch is up to date withOJ/gobuster:master. README License Gobuster Gobuster is a tool used to brute-force: ...
Directory/File, DNS and VHost busting tool written in Go - gobuster/go.mod at master · c1x1x00xxPentium/gobuster
Usage: gobuster dir [flags] Flags: -f, --add-slash Append / to each request -c, --cookies string Cookies to use for the requests -e, --expanded Expanded mode, print full URLs -x, --extensions string File extension(s) to search for -r, --follow-redirect Follow redirects -H, --...
Usage: gobuster dir [flags] Flags: -f, --addslash Append / to each request -c, --cookies string Cookies to use for the requests -e, --expanded Expanded mode, print full URLs -x, --extensions string File extension(s) to search for -r, --followredirect Follow redirects -H, --heade...
-e, --expanded Expanded mode, print full URLs -x, --extensions string File extension(s) to search for -r, --follow-redirect Follow redirects -H, --headers stringArray Specify HTTP headers, -H 'Header1: val1' -H 'Header2: val2' -h, --help help for dir --hide-length Hide the...
Directory/File, DNS and VHost busting tool written in Go - gobuster/Dockerfile at master · c1x1x00xxPentium/gobuster
gobuster dir -u https://mysite.com/path/to/folder -c 'session=123456' -t 50 -w common-files.txt -x .php,.html Default options looks like this: gobuster dir -u https://buffered.io -w ~/wordlists/shortlist.txt === Gobuster v3.2.0 by OJ Reeves (@TheColonial) & Christian Mehlma...