Second place went to "metaverse," which refers to a "virtual reality environment in which users interact with one another's avatars and their surroundings in an immersive way, sometimes posited as a potential extension ...
For further information regarding shipping policies please e-mail 4 - The magic of winter reaches out from the realm of the Goblin November 1st thru March 31st, eliminating the need of insulated containers and gel packs, ultimately saving you $8.00 in any of ...
also a Harz Mountains silver miners' term for rock laced with arsenic and sulfur (according to OED so called because it degraded the ore and made the miners ill), from Middle High Germankobe"hut, shed" +*holt"goblin," fromhold"gracious, friendly," a euphemistic word for a troublesome ...
英['gɒblɪn]美['ɡɑblɪn] 英英释义实用场景例句 近义词elftrollspiritdwarf n.小妖精;顽皮的丑小鬼 畅通词汇 词态变化 复数:goblins; 助记提示 1. cobalt => gobelin => goblin. 2. 哥布林(Goblin)是一种传说中的类人生物,一般都有长长的尖耳。由于“哥布林”是一种在西方神话故事里的生物,在...
But I had to for this. This app is AMAZING for people with neurospicy brains like mine. I downloaded it for the Magic To Do List as I used it on my phone’s web browser. However, I forget to check that so I searched the App Store to see if by chance, there was an app and ...
Count = Rnd(0..1) } } Gallery Artwork. Etymology [view·edit·purge]Agoblinis a small, mischievous creature found in manyEuropean folk tales and legends. The word "goblin" comes from the Norman French wordGobelinus, the name of a ghost that haunted the town of Évreux in the 12th ce...
Most liked six word reviews Tribute Wealthiest Characters Tribute Support ACDB by visitingour affiliates Crunchyroll store The Curiosity Box 04:07 pm Anonymous Who is this? View Latest Comments:Muzan Kibutsuji i love this character ≺3-Anonymous ...
The book’s one word premise is a royalty-focused fantasy set in a steampunk world populated by elves and goblins (Which are more like orcs here). Unfortunately, you don’t get to see too much of the steampunk part. The primary messages focus on the power of goodness, and sexism is...
Waifu and Imouto systems have now merged into something new, the Family Tree! Explore 19 relationship options, and maintain happiness with your family by chatting with them. Family Tree Most liked six word reviews Tribute Wealthiest Characters Tribute This...
War is profitable for the goblins; annihilation is not. Once they served as suicide mercenaries for the Horde; now the goblins have made their place as the strongest merchant race in the world. If one wants to purchase something, whether it is supplies, equipment, weapons, magic items or ...