物种字典: 宜昌鳅鮀-Gobiobotia filifer 名称 学名:Gobiobotia filifer 中文名:宜昌鳅鮀 分类路径 脊索动物门>辐鳍鱼纲>鲤形目>鲤科>鳅鱿鮀属 相邻物种 短身鳅鮀 Gobiobotia abbreviata 短吻鳅鮀 Gobiobotia brevirostris 台湾鳅鮀 Gobiobotia cheni ...
G.filifertranscriptomeGobiobotia filifer is a small benthic fish distributed in Yangtze River Basin. The abundance of G. filifer increased after impoundment of Xiluodu Dam and Xiangjiaba Dam. The state of population structure and changes of genetic diversity before and after impoundment of Xiluo...
帮粉丝认鱼 (一) 宜昌鳅鮀 (Gobiobotia filifer) 急流底栖鱼,喜伏游于沙石上,以底栖无脊椎动物为食 (1)名中虽有宜昌,但实际黄河也有分布 (2)此鱼以蚯蚓为饵,铅坠挂底钓获 (3)此大小的年龄约3-4岁@鲁班门下 - 一只迭戈于20240419发布在抖音,已经收获了16.0万个喜欢
The freshwater gudgeon, Gobiobotia filifer, is an endemic benthic fish in the Yangtze River and is a good model for ecological and evolutionary studies. This study aimed to decode the population structure of G. filifer in the Yangtze River and reveal whether divergence occurred before...