This little doeling was born in the evening on May 11, 2020. She is brown with a white crown that extends down to her nose. She has white, roan ears. White spot on her left belly and right flank area. She also has a white mark on her left, hind leg and two small site dots on...
When anesthetizing, hold the anesthetizer to buckle the front end on the nose and lip of the sheep, and press the back end on the medulla oblongata area between the ears and eyes. 4, Slaughter and bleed The modern slaughtering method only hangs the sheep on th...
Roll-N-Hills Ranch is a goat farm featuring goat meat and purebred kiko bucklings and wethers for sale in the Binghamton, NY area, located in Johnson City, NY.
I do not dehorn them (I did at one time but do not like the process) and if a predator did come in the area, they then are total defenseless, with out horns, yes they can cause some problems but goats are goats, not to bad of paper on the subject,
Ah, that venture in Spain! I was in high school when the parents took us to Spain – Dad had business there. We stayed in a very small and rural town near Cadiz for about ten days. There was one restaurant in the area. If it had a name, we never saw the signage. It had dirt...
I get annoyed sometimes when I am trying to work in the goat area and i reach in my pocket for a screw or put some hardware in a container to prevent their loss, one of the goats will notice and think its food and of course then all the rest have to come over to try and fight...
Deep Love Messages for a Husband or Boyfriend Who Is Far Away By Oyewole FolarinOct 5, 2024 What Size and Type of ATV to Get for Kids 3 to 10 Years Old By Harry SheenDec 11, 2023 Dogs & Dog Breeds Different Types of Indian Spitz And Their Price in India ...
Accommodation can be pricey, but the convenience and access to entertainment make it worth it. High-rise apartments and hotels dominate the area, many offering spectacular views. Downtown is perfect for anyone who thrives in the excitement of urban areas. ...
So needless to say, I felt like a zombie by the end of the week. If you have a barn area designated for bottle fed babies, then you shouldn’t have this problem. This was not something I was prepared for because my goats had always been great moms. Guess what suddenly made the ‘...
Would make a nice starter herd. Goats need a CD/T vaccination. 20 Kiko cross nannies. The Kiko is an aggressive forager, capable of thriving under conditions of feed deprivation. It is possible to make a profit with Kiko goat farming. Remember the initial selection criteria for your farm/ra...