27. “Setting goals helps bring your future into your present and the present is the only time we can take action.” —Zig Ziglar Also featured in:Action Quotes,Motivational Quotes for Work,Optimistic Quotes 301 0 Download 14 Wallpapers ...
By using the SMART framework, you can ensure that the goals you’re setting follow goal-setting theory — and lay the foundation for success. 4. Provide regular feedback Feedback is a key principle of goal-setting theory. So, if you’re implementing goal-setting theory in your workplace,...
49. “Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.”—Tom Landry 50. “You can achieve any goal you want to accomplish. You just have to put in the work, trust the process and keep the faith.”— Sarah Dew ...
Goal setting is one of the most underrated success tools. When it comes to setting goals, a lot of people take it lightly and are not serious about it. They treat their goals with no commitment, and they don’t even consider writing down their goals, even when they know they should. A...
1.I like to put my personal goals on small business cards and keep them in my work area where I can see them. These simple cards keep my most important goals front and center. My freeGoal Setting Toolkitmakes this easy. 2.I like to print out inspirational goal setting quotes and have...
Goal Setting Worksheet Goal Setting Ebook Goals for Life: Set SMARTER Goals for Success Goal Setting Quotes Inspirational Goal Setting Quotes Five Goal Setting InfoPics Related Posts: I Set a Weight Loss Goal and This Happened System Legacy Planning. Start With the End in Mind. ...
51. “Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.”–H. L. Hunt More setting priority quotes and sayings 52. “Our life is the sum total of all the decisions we make every day, and those decisions are determined by...
And don’t forget to tell those in charge that the document isn’t fit for the job. If they are smart, they will get to work. Tip: if you are looking for one, here’s a simple goal setting template Motivational Goal setting quotes ...
How to Make Goal-Setting Work Regardless of whattype of goalyou’re working toward, there are three main ways to ensure that goal-setting will bring you the outcome you want. Write down your goals.Severalstudieshave shown that writing down your goals increases the likelihood that you will be...
Best for Work-Life Balance Goals:The Legend PlannerCLICK HERE FOR PRICE Best Design:Smart Planner ProCLICK HERE FOR PRICE What are the Benefits of Goal-Setting? It gives you a sense of purpose and destination. No matter where you are or what you are doing, setting a goal provides you wit...