在VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)中,GoalSeek 是一个非常有用的功能,用于解决方程或找到特定目标值。GoalSeek 方法可以让你指定一个目标值,并通过改变一个输入值来达到这个目标值。 基本语法 代码语言:javascript 复制 RangeObject.GoalSeek(Goal, ChangingCell) RangeObject:包含公式的单元格。 Goal:你希望公式...
Use Goal Seek with VBA Code You can enjoy your coffee while working with Excel’s goal-seek command. Hope you don’t mind if you can add some extra chocolate to it using VBA. Yes, you are right, you can use goal seek with VBA. expression.GoalSeek(Goal, ChangingCell) Expression: It ...
循环目标的VBA Goalseek是一种用于在Microsoft Excel中寻找满足特定条件的变量值的工具。它可以根据用户定义的目标值,自动调整相关的输入值,以使得目标值得到满足。以下是关于循环目标的VBA Goalseek的完善且全面的答案: 概念: 循环目标的VBA Goalseek是一种自动化的方法,通过在Excel中建模特定的目标和约束条件,寻找满...
The macro begins in the active cell, the first impedance value, refers to the parameters to its left and repeats the process for the cell below until it reaches the end of the block of data so choose cell H4 before you run the macro. Click cell H4, press Alt - F8 to display the av...
I need to convert this VBA macro code to power bi Sub Calculate() ' ' Calculate Macro ' ' Sheets("Model").Select Range("DIFF").Select For i = 1 To 10 Application.CutCopyMode = False Application.CutCopyMode = False Application.CutCopyMode = False Range("DIFF").GoalSeek Goal:=0, Chang...
GoalSeek in VBA verwenden Betrachten Sie das folgende Arbeitsblatt. Um die monatlich erforderliche Zahlungsrate Durch Änderung der Laufzeit in Monaten zu ändern, können wir die folgende Prozedur schreiben. SubLaufzeitErhoehen()'B6 zu 100 machen, indem B5 geändert wirdRange("B6").Go...
I’m building a userform (and a module) for a more flexible Goal Seek. I’ve had recurring uses for something like this at work, where I need Goal Seek’s functionality mixed in with some “what if analysis” sensitivity table power. ...
I’m building a userform (and a module) for a more flexible Goal Seek. I’ve had recurring uses for something like this at work, where I need Goal Seek’s functionality mixed in with some “what if analy... The Exit event does not allow setting focus, best...
Excel Workbook · Automatic Goal Seek former_member182541 Active Contributor 2016 Sep 28 0 Kudos Sandeep I see the pain here, but explained above dashboard won't accept visual basic editor & macro functionalities. If you have the BO license then try to achieve this in reporti...
Subscribe for Excel Tips » 1 - 2 times per month goal seek help Posted by gart on December 21, 2001 7:04 PM What I need with this code ([C3].GoalSeek Goal:=0, ChangingCell:=[E3])is instead of only adjusting one cell by making one cell with the formula zero, I need the who...