Where Is Goal Seek in Excel? Excel Goal Seek is one of the three What-If Analysis tools of Microsoft Excel. So, you can find the tool in the What-If Analysis command menu. On the Excel ribbon menu click the Data tab and then go to the far right on the ribbon. There, you should ...
图2 点击“数据”(Data)功能区选项卡,然后点击模拟分析(What-IfAnalysis)图标下拉菜单(最右侧)并选择“单变量求解”(GoalSeek)。打开的对话框以及各项输入值如图2所示。 在“目标值:”(To value:)框中输入0,在“可变单元格:”(By changing cell:)框中输入B5,然后点击“确定”(OK)。 图3 如果达到目标值,则...
Goal Seek Example 2 Use Goal Seek in Excel to find the loan amount that produces a monthly payment of $1500. 1. The formula in cell B5 calculates the monthly payment. Explanation: thePMT functioncalculates the payment for a loan. If you've never heard of this function before, that's OK...
You can use goal seek to calculate the interest rate you will need to secure with your friend. There is N number of complex problems which you can solve with goal seek. So today, in this post, you’ll learn how to use goal seek in Excel, how it works, and what important points you...
Excel 利用Power Piovt 进行数据链接数据透视数据分析 06:48 Excel 函数 Rank.eq 排名 01:03 Excel 图标做确实预测forecasting 01:21 Text 数值转为日期 01:04 VB function 自定义函数 07:50 定义函数及修改格式 09:32 '#'=ctrl + shift + 箭头 选中{动态数组}? 01:48 简单又省力的switch 02...
Using the FV function, you can calculate the return on investment after 2 years: =FV(C7,C8,0,-C6,0) To find the required time, follow these steps: Select cell C9. Go to the Data tab, expand the What-If Analysis tools, and select Goal Seek. In the Goal Seek dialog box: Set ...
The Goal Seek function in Excel is a way to find a solution to a problem by altering one of the underlying assumptions in order to get the desired output. This method is also known as What-if Analysis. The excel use goal seek function to solves the problem by using a form of backwards...
以下是如何逐步使用 Goal Seek:单击数据 > 假设分析 > 目标寻求。将弹出“目标寻求”窗口。将方程的“等于”部分放入“设置单元格”字段中。这是 Excel 将尝试优化的数字。在我们的例子中,它是单元格 A5 中销售数字的运行总计。在“目标值”字段中输入您的目标值。我们要查找的销售总量为 250,000 件,因此...
What is Goal Seek in Excel? Accessing Goal Seek in Excel Using Goal Seek with examples Example 1: Adjusting a loan payment plan Example 2: Determining the minimum score for passing the exam Example 3: Calculating required votes for election victory Example 4: Achieving target profit in a busin...
expression.GoalSeek(Goal,ChangingCell) expression 必需。该表达式返回一个Range 对象。必须为单个单元格。 GoalVariant 类型,必需。希望在该单元格中得出的结果。 ChangingCellRange 类型,必需。指定将放置结果的单元格。 示例 本示例假定 Sheet1 中包含单元格“Polynomial”,该单元格的公式为 =(X^3)+(3*X^2)...