3.Reform and Reconstruction of the Purpose of P.E.Curriculum in China--also on discussing curriculum standard of P.E.and health;我国学校体育课程目标的改革与重构——兼论《体育与健康课程标准》 4.Review and prospect on Goal of Physical Education Curriculum in Our Middle schools;我国中学体育课程目...
physicaleducationcurriculumgoaloptimizationsystem,achievingthemaximizationofthevalueofschoolphysical educationcurriculum,promotingtheharmoniousdevelopmentofstudents’physicalandmentalistheimportantis— sueinschoolphysicaleducationteaching.Thispaper,fromtheperspectiveofeducationalinnovation,objectives ...
Movement EducationPhysical EducationRole ModelsSocializationThe goal of physical education is to provide learners with the skills, strategy, customs, and expectations surrounding specific movement activities. Socialization models may serve to clarify the application to curriculum. Implications of this philosophy...
4.The Change of Moral Educational Objective in Physical Education Curriculum Standards in Our Primary and Middle Schools我国中、小学体育课程标准的德育目标变迁 5.To cultivate Ss to help each other in study and daily life.德育目标:培养学生互帮互助的精神。 6.Research on the Convergence Phenomenon of ...
4) target system of physical education curriculum 体育课程目标体系 例句>> 5) 121 PE Curriculum Purpose System 121体育课程目标体系 1. Based on the study purpose of curriculum of public sports in higher education the "121 PE Curriculum Purpose System" was set up,including one activity,two ...
Second,setup agoalsystemof theyouth'sideologicalandpoliticalwork,gearingtoactualcircumstances; 二是切合实际地建立青年思想政治工作的目标体系; www.fabiao.net 9. Tentative IdeaontheConstructionofPhysical EducationCurriculumGoalSystemforJunior HighSchools ...
Answer to: The goal of ___ is for learners to be able to do something new or better than before. a. training b. experience c. education d...
The results of thecurriculum orientationquestionnaires show that teachers strongly believe in the cognitive process orientation,but they generally do not reject the other four orientations. 课程取向问卷调查的结果表明:中小学教师对认知过程取向的认同度最高,但也不排斥其他四种取向;男教师比女教师更倾向于学术...
Now a third and far more significant motivation presents itself: meeting thesegoalsmay be necessary to prevent the collapse of our civilization. 出自-2016年6月阅读原文 The teachers must be free to teach in their own way—the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their indiv...
15.Talking about the Training Object and the Curriculum Installment of the P. E. Major;试论我国体育教育专业的培养目标与课程设置 16.Setting an output target failed. Resetting to previous target.输出目标设置失败.重新设置为先前的目标. 17.Research on Characteristics of Goal Setting in Time Management...