1 : date 2 : choose sense 2 went with an iron off the tee go without saying : to be self-evident go with the flow : conform sense 2b no go : to no avail : useless Attempts to get the computer running have been no go.on...
Meaning:If you go with the flow, you relax and go along with whatever is happening.如果您使用go with the flow,那么您会放松并顺其自然。For example:Jareem says that if you go with the flow in life, you don't plan everything ahead but you take opportunities as they arise.贾里姆(Jaree...
go with the flow 从大流、从众 Definition: to do what other people are doing or to agree with the opinions of others because it is the easiest thing to do. Examples: 1、Why do you do everything differently? You should go with the flow. 为啥你干啥事都要与众不同的呢?你应该随大流。
Meaning: If you go with the flow, you accept things as they happen and do what everyone else wants to do. Country:International English |Subject Area:General|Usage Type:Both or All Words Used All idioms have been editorially reviewed. Submitted idioms may have been edited for correctness and...
Also, go with the tide . Move along with the prevailing forces, accept the prevailing trend, as in Rather than striking out in new directions, I tend to go with the flow , or Pat isn't particularly original; she just goes with the tide . The flow in the first and more colloquial ...
Go with the Flow Meaning Explained When someone says “go with the flow,” they mean they want you to accept a situation and just “go with it” rather than trying to alter or control it. It’s supposed to promote the idea that you should be flexible and slightly adaptable to certain ...
go with the flow idiom meaning, origin, examples in a sentence, dark meanings, definition, synonyms, interesting facts, backstory, and the history of the phrase.
Can’t you just go with the flow for once? I try not to plan too much when I take a vacation to a new place. I like to just go with the flow when I get there. Other Definitions As we know now, there is no one meaning or one way to use it, and there you have two other ...
Don't understand the meaning of the song? Highlight lyrics and request an explanation. Click onhighlightedlyrics to explain. When every dream you've had, Has gone from good to bad, Get a move on. Go with the flow. When every road you choose, ...
go with the flow meaning, definition, what is go with the flow: to agree that you will do the thing that...: Learn more.