众所周知,Go to School 会与修改学校的模组发生冲突,例如 KawaiiStacie 的 Better Schools 模组。
Go to School 增加了两种新的场地类型:小学和高中。 为了使模组工作,您需要将这些地段放置在游戏中的某个位置,否则您将无法选择跟随您的模拟市民上学。 您可以在画廊中找到这些场地,也可以建立自己的场地。 已知的问题 从图库中放置学校地段时,游戏并不总是自动识别它,因此您将无法选择跟随您的模拟市民上学。
i'm having an issue with the go to school mod. it says to click on the teacher to attend introduction day class but when i click on her the interaction doesn't come up. everything else seems to work fine. maybe the new update broke the interaction??? could someone please help me fi...
【邦妮汉化】来去上学 跟随上小学|Go to School V5汉化,三宫六院 - 模拟人生|模拟人生3|模拟人生4|模拟市民|www.sglynp.com
在后端代码生成物的根目录下运行go mod tidy 在后端代码生成物的根目录下运行go mod download 在后端代码生成物的根目录下运行go mod vendor 在后端代码生成物的根目录下运行go run Server.go 启动完毕后访问后端代码生成物,http://localhost:8081前端代码生成物运行使用...
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. The GNU General Public ...
c. "str://" multiple keywords separated by a comma at the beginning, such as: str://default,company,school The default is empty, allowing all keys. 4.13 Network NAT Type Judgment Senat type judgment, easy to check whether the network supports p2p, you can execute: proxy tools -a nattyp...
c. "str://" multiple keywords separated by a comma at the beginning, such as: str://default,company,schoolThe default is empty, allowing all keys.4.13 Network NAT Type JudgmentSenat type judgment, easy to check whether the network supports p2p, you can execute: proxy tools -a nattype...
inject initSchool: no provider found for context.Context needed by basics.School in provider set "SuperSet" 1. 来看一看 initSchool 函数,果然没有给它提供 context.Context 。我们来修改函数,引入 context 包,然后给 initSchool 函数增加参数 context.Context: func initSchool(ctx context.Context) (School...
Learning and upskilling is top of mind for everyone, whether they are information workers or part of the frontline workforce. No matter how your employees work – from a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone – Viva Learning makes it easy to learn seamlessly in the flow ...