GotoTab是一款好用的Chrome标签页导航插件,当你打开太多标签页面,但是又想马上找到某一个特定页面的时候,这款插件就可以派上用场,软件能帮助我们快速的定位到已打开的标签页,除此之外,它还能定位已经关闭的标签页。 Go to Tab是一款好用的Chrome标签页导航插件,当你打开太多标签页面,但是又想马上找到某一个特定页...
Chrome浏览器支持打开多个窗口, 每个窗口支持打开多个标签, 我有一个习惯,每次搜索新的内容,都会打开一个新窗口, 新窗口又会产生新标签,于是窗口和标签越来越多, 窗口和标签很多, 就很难快速定位到已经打开的某个标签页 Go to Tab让我们以最快的方式, 定位到已经打开的标签页 Go to Tab通过扩展面板,直接关闭标...
【插件简介】 Go to Tab 扩展程序,快速定位并切换Chrome当前已打开的标签页。Chrome多开神器,还可以通过扩展面板,搜索标签页关键词, 标签页高亮后, 按回车即可弹出标签页 【插件相关文章】 Go to Tab 快速跳转到打开的网页 【插件开发者】 @praveen.dinesh6 【插件
摘要: Go to Tab是一款可以让我们以最快的方式定位到或者关闭已经打开的标签页的chrome插件。 Go to Tab标签栏导航插件下载 关联标签: 多标签管理插件 插件大小:43.08KiB 插件版本:1.7.1 支持语言:简体中文 更新日期:2024-12-04 下载次数:187 来自:Chrome商店 3分 已安全认证 免责声明 本站是专业的Chrome...
1.Go to Tab插件离线安装的方法参照一下方法:老版本Chrome浏览器,首先在标签页输入【chrome://extensions/】进入chrome扩展程序,解压你在本站下载的插件,并拖入扩展程序页即可。 2..最新版本的chrome浏览器直接拖放安装时会出现“程序包无效CRX-HEADER-INVALID”的报错信息,参照:Chrome插件安装时出现"CRX-HEADER-INVAL...
goTab新标签页让你可以高度自定义你的新标签页,文件夹式收纳图标、多端访问、高清壁纸、实用小组件、常用网址、云端同步备份等。 功能: ● 自动同步:只要创建一个账号就能多端自动同步。 ● 图标收纳:根据您的需要对您的图标进行分组,文件夹式收纳管理应用。
Tired of having a hard time looking for the tab that has the playing icon to go to the thing you were watching or listening to? Sometimes you have lots of tabs open and finding the tab that's playing can be a hassle. This Chrome extension solves that problem by allowing you to go to...
You are about to download theGo to Tab 1.5.1 Extension crx file for Chrome based browsers: Are you a digital packrat? Specifically, are you the type of person that has 50 browser tabs open all the time? Then this extension is for you.With ... ...
"... enter theNew Tabextension. What started as an experiment to play with the Chrome browser APIs and explore web performance optimisations,New Tabhas grown into something that genuinely improves my productivity. Maybe it can help you too!
## Session saving and Bookmarker Updates The BT Bookmarker now has the option to save a whole tabgroup (if the current tab is in one), and a complete session, in addition to the previous window and tab options. When saving a session, ta...