The basic vocabulary of Telugu is Dravidian in nature. In addition, Telugu has a significant number of words of Sanskrit andPrakritorigin. The language is considered to be the most Sanskritized of the Dravidian languages, especially when it comes to the formal, standardized variety of the languag...
The Kannada alphabet evolved from descendants of theBrahmiscript which were used in the 5th-7th centuries AD. These scripts provided the basis for the Old Kannada script, which, in turn, evolved into the Kannada andTeluguscripts standardized in the early 1900s by Christian missionaries, and used...
Teluguశ్రీకాకుళంsrikakulmSrikakulam ThaiสงขลาsngkhlaSongkhla SymbolsInputOutput Emojis👑 🌴:crown: :palm_tree: Misc.☆ ♯ ♰ ⚄ ⛌* # + 5 X Letterlike№ ℳ ⅋ ⅍No M & A/S
Well, in Britain, from the ages of five to about eleven you start off at a primary school, and then from eleven to sixteen you go on to a secondary school or a comprehensive school and at sixteen you take GCSE examinations. After this, some children take vocational courses or even start...
Use the minimap in the lower left hand corner to navigate there. You'll pass Roman's cab company, where you'll be going later. After you arrive and watch a cut scene, you can save your game at the bed or watch the television in the apartment. When you're ready to leave, you can...
Telugu శ్రీకాకుళం srikakulm Srikakulam Thai สงขลา sngkhla Songkhla SymbolsInputOutput Emojis 👑 🌴 :crown: :palm_tree: Misc. ☆ ♯ ♰ ⚄ ⛌ * # + 5 X Letterlike № ℳ ⅋ ⅍ No M & A/S Implementations AnyAscii is implemented acr...