gofor和goto的区别:gofor因为兴趣或者利益而去做什么。goto去做什么,只是一种行为。gofor用法 1、gofor的“字面意思”是:“去找,去取,去拿”,for表示“目的”。2、gofor的“引申意思”是:“追求;喜欢”。3、goforlooks的意思是,“追求外表;喜欢外表”。比喻“以貌取人”。我们常常评价...
go for适用于某人或某物,对某事物有兴趣爱好,有去找、拥护和努力获取的意思,而go to只是说明一种行为目的,侧重于表现到达目的地的过程,go to+名词表示到特定的地点做某事。go for的用法举例 攻击 抨击 批评 Our dog went for the postman this morning.试图得到 争取获得 求的【又去争取的意思】I hear ...
“Go to” 和 “go for” 是两个比较常用的英语短语,具体用法如下:“Go to” 可以指:去,前往:Please go to the store.开始,从事:We will go to the movies next week.尝试,争取:The company is offering a go-for-赢奖金(即奖金越高,参赛者获奖的概率越大) program.选择,决定:W...
- I have to go to the doctor today. - Let's go to the beach this weekend.4. What for - What did you buy this gadget for? - What is this tool used for?5. Go for - She decided to go for a run. - I think I'll go for the steak instead of the chicken. 这个答案有帮助吗?
每日习语(2.26):to go for broke 今天要给大家介绍的一个俗语是togoforbroke。Togoforbroke的意思就是一个人准备冒损失一切的危险来采取一项行动,也可以说是"孤注一掷"。体育运动员往往会遇到这种情况。下面就是一个例子: "Thebiggestautoraceoftheyearisreadytostart.Allthedriversarereadytogoforbrokeanddrivetheir...
Go for 和 Go to 在英文中都是动词短语,但它们的含义略有不同。Go for 通常表示“去取或购买某物”。例如:I'm going to go for that red dress.(我要去那件红色的裙子。)Go to 则更广泛一些,它主要指“去某个地方”。例如:I'm going to the library.(我要去图书馆。)除此之外...
Fiveyearslater,with hertwoboys,agedeightand five,inschool,shemissedbeing inaprofessionalenvironmentanddecidedtogoback. 5年后,两个孩子(一个8岁,一个5岁)上学了,她怀念起职业环境,决定重返职场。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Ablondegotafishingrodforherbirthdaygiftanddecidedtogoicefishingto make gooduseofit. ...
"go to"和"to go"都是动词短语,表示“去”的意思。它们的区别在于"to go"是不定式(infinitive),而"go to"是动词加介词组成的短语。go to:这个动词短语通常是用来描述一个人或物移动到某个位置,例如:I'm going to the store. (我要去商店。)She went to bed early last night. (...
You've rescued good food from going to waste and done something good for the planet! INTRODUCINGTOO GOOD TO GO PARCELS Through the Too Good To Go app, you can now also order Parcels of surplus food, directly from manufacturers or wholesalers, delivered directly to your home. ...
go against违背;对……不利I don't want to___t your will.我不想违背您的意愿。He would not___his pa