chromem-go - Embeddable vector database for Go with Chroma-like interface and zero third-party dependencies. In-memory with optional persistence. fun - The simplest but powerful way to use large language models (LLMs) in Go. langchaingo - LangChainGo is a framework for developing applications...
Lorcais a very small library to build modern HTML5 desktop apps in Go. It doesn't bundle Chrome but reuses the installed Chrome on your machine. Muonis a lightweight alternative to Electron written in Golang, usingUltralightinstead of Chromium. ...
Items: []MenuItem{ Action{ Text: "谷歌", OnTriggered: func() { go openExe("C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe") }, }, Action{ Text: "WPS", OnTriggered: func() { go openExe("E:\\apps\\wps\\WPS Office\\ksolaunch.exe") }, }, Action{ Text: "迅雷"...
选择Boot Menu,回车 选择U盘,回车, 等一会就进入 FydeOS 系统了 请看文章B的贴图: 恢复原版bios 激活FydeOS 系统(图形化操作,自行解决) 注意:进入 FydeOS后,会有选项问你 是体验一下直接启动,还是安装FydeOS,选择体验一下即可 去FydeOS打开 开发者模式 按ctrl+alt+t进入命令行(⚠️一定要用这个方式进入) ...
wmenu - Easy to use menu structure for cli applications that prompt users to make choices. ⬆ back to top Configuration Libraries for configuration parsing. aconfig - Simple, useful and opinionated config loader. bcl - BCL is a configuration language similar to HCL. cleanenv - Minimalistic co...
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36")req.Header.Set("Sec-Ch-Ua","\"Not_A Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"109\", \"Chromium\";v=\"109\"")req.Header.Set("Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile","?0")req.Header.Set("Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform","\"macOS\"")resp,err:=...
How to Use “Go To Folder” on Mac You have two ways of accessing the Go To Folder function from the Mac OS X desktop and Finder: Go to the Finder of Mac OS if you have not done so already From the “Go” menu navigate down to “Go to Folder” ….or better yet… ...
You are about to download theGoFullPage 8.3 Extension crx file for Chrome v102 and up: GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture, Capture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably—without requesting any extra permissions! ... ...
Using the browser’s menu Apart from keyboard shortcuts and dedicated UI buttons, you can also toggle full-screen mode on graphically using the browser’s menu. This holds true for Chrome for both Windows and macOS. Here’s how you can use Chrome’s menu to toggle full-screen mode on. ...
Google Chrome Portable, crafted by John T. Haller, brings the power and versatility of the popular Google Chrome browser to a portable format. Ideal for users on the go, this version retains Chrome's speed, security, and extensive extension library while allowing you to carry your personalized...