Go The Distance - Michael Bolton (迈克尔.伯顿) I have often dreamed of a far off place Where a hero's welcome would be waiting for me Where the crowds will cheer when they see my face And a voice keeps saying this is where I'm meant to be I'll be there someday I can go the ...
我的爱如烈火 - xxxmiracle/mok『心在跳似爱情如烈火』【動態歌詞】 3902播放 英国人气新人Rag'n'Bone Man热单《Human》官方MV 12.5万播放 单身之歌《Everyday normal guy 2 》(Jon Lajoie)中英文字幕 39.4万播放 【狐狸叫 The Fox】Ylvis 伊尔维萨克兄弟 4K60帧 高清修复MV ...
Shi Jian De Yuan Fang 时间的远方 The Distance Of Time Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhang Jie 张杰 Jason Zhang Pop Ju Dian 句点 The Period Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zheng Yuan 郑源 Jacky Pop Sheng Nv 剩女 Leftover Girl Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Zhuang Xin Yan 庄...
levenshtein - 編輯距離(levenshtein distance)和相似性度量, 可以自定義編輯代價和and Winkler-like bonus for common prefix. levenshtein - Go 語言實現計算編輯距離 mafsa - Go 語言實現的 MA-FSA ,包含最小完美哈希 merkletree - 實現了梅克爾樹,提供了一種高效、安全的數據結構內容驗證方法 roaring - 實現了...
I go home you long-distance physiological period will help you remember your tummy ache know to help you cook brown sugar water will try their best to make you happy every day with you first said to you before the end of the chat, even ...
Turn my back and slam the door 轉過身甩上門 And here I stand, and here I'll stay 我就站在這我將待在這 Let it go 放手吧 Let it go 放手吧 The cold never bothered me anyway 這冰冷對我而言不算什麼 It’s funny how some distance ...
歌詞: (by 好青年 整理&安德森之夢中譯)[Verse 1: ]Every night in my dreams在每個夜晚的夢裡 I see you, I feel you我可以看到你、感覺到你That is how I know you go on因此我知道你依然在 Far across the distance跨越距離 And spaces between us及你我之間的時空 You have come to show you go...
相對字字對應的直譯版本應該很快就會有其他大手放出來,我這邊的這個版本則是盡可能的去意譯了。歡迎同好拍磚!!另外容我再說一遍:這首《MERRY GO ROUND》其实应该是N+C社新作『DRAMAtical Murder』的印象曲吧!於是說歌詞和現已公開的『DM』設定也太配了喂!。。。好吧我也知道那其實是不可能的。。。MERRY GO...
It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small 有時候距離讓每件事變得渺小是很有趣的 And the fears that once controlled me 那曾侵襲著我的恐懼 Can't get to me at all 如今無法再任意擺布 It's time to see what I can do 是時候看看自己的能耐 To test the limits and...