flag provided but not defined: -test.timeout 很显然,跑go test时涉及到了flag解析。 go test是以package为单位进行测试的(无论是否通过-run指定特性test函数),所以一定是test所在的包内包含了flag解析逻辑或import了需要进行flag解析的其他package. 此错误有些类似于package的循环引用。 一般来说考虑如下解除方式:...
flag provided but not defined: -test.v#46978 Closed [bug report] flag provided but not defined: -test.v#47047 Closed ethitteradded a commit to ethitter/eth-log-alerting that referenced this issueFeb 26, 2022 Fix "flag provided but not defined: -test.testlogfile"… ...
Arming: 我这里想对单个文件进行test呢,直接go test是报flag provided but not defined: -test.timeout这个错误 回复2019-11-27 darjun: 你这个报错应该是contract_view_dao.go文件中定义了flag,但是你命令行又没指定。测试可以指定某个包。 回复2019-11-27 Arming: contract_view_dao.go 并没有定义flag, ...
当只测试一个测试文件时,它工作得很好,但当我运行:go test ./... -ip时,另一个测试文件显示:flag provided but not defined。 浏览1提问于2015-04-17得票数30 回答已采纳 1回答 为调用子工作流的工作流编写测试时出现时间错误:“找不到工作流类型” ...
Testing tests/simple fails with: testing: github.com/google/cel-spec github.com/google/cel-spec/tests/simple flag provided but not defined: -test.timeout Usage of /tmp/go-build610373726/b001/simple.test: -check_server string path to comm...
{testArgs: []string{"test-cmd", "-break", "blah", "blah"}, skipFlagParsing: false, useShortOptionHandling: false, expectedErr: errors.New("flag provided but not defined: -break")}, {testArgs: []string{"test-cmd", "blah", "blah"}, skipFlagParsing: true, useShortOptionHandling:...
// Test normal "not ignoring flags" flow {testArgs: []string{"test-cmd", "-break", "blah", "blah"}, skipFlagParsing: false, useShortOptionHandling: false, expectedErr: errors.New("flag provided but not defined: -break")}, {testArgs: []string{"test-cmd", "blah", "blah"},...
hello_test.go:17: number of runtime.GOMAXPROCS:2===RUN TestHello hello_test.go:17: number of runtime.GOMAXPROCS:4===RUN TestHello hello_test.go:17: number of runtime.GOMAXPROCS:4===RUN TestHello hello_test.go:17: number of runtime.GOMAXPROCS:8===RUN TestHello ...
flag:打开文件的模式。 模式有以下几种: perm:文件权限,一个八进制数。r(读)04,w(写)02,x(执行)01。 Write和WriteString func main() { file, err := os.OpenFile("xx.txt", os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0666)iferr != nil { ...
The AP is not in the SN whitelist. Run the ap whitelist sn ap-sn1 [ to ap-sn2 ] command to add the AP to the SN whitelist or run the ap-confirm command to enable the AP to pass authentication. The AP is not in the MAC whitelist. Run the ap whitelist mac ap-mac1 [ to ap-...