Hi, sqlite3.Error{Code:5, ExtendedCode:5, err:"database is locked"} I have written an HTTP API server in Go that uses SQLite3 and your great package to implement data persistence. The daemon works fine on the dev machine but once it is d...
Error: database is locked When you get a database is locked, please use the following options. Add to DSN: cache=shared Example: db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", "file:locked.sqlite?cache=shared") Next, please set the database connections of the SQL package to 1: db.SetMaxOpenConns...
Q:How can I write to a database concurrently without getting thedatabase is lockederror (orSQLITE_BUSY)? A: You can't. The C sqlite implementation does not allow concurrent writes, and this libary does not modify that behaviour. You can, however, useDB.SetMaxOpenConns(1)so that only ...
Error: database is locked When you get a database is locked. Please use the following options. Add to DSN: cache=shared Example: db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", "file:locked.sqlite?cache=shared") Second please set the database connections of the SQL package to 1. db.SetMaxOpenConn...
ErrorCodeString = map[int]string{ sqlite3.SQLITE_ABORT: "Callback routine requested an abort (SQLITE_ABORT)", sqlite3.SQLITE_AUTH: "Authorization denied (SQLITE_AUTH)", sqlite3.SQLITE_BUSY: "The database file is locked (SQLITE_BUSY)", sqlite3.SQLITE_CANTOPEN: "Unable to open the data...
database is lockedDatabase storage complete!2014/09/09 18:33:11 database is lockedexit status 1我不希望我的程序因数据库锁定而停止,我希望它将数据存储在内存中并继续其业务,直到数据库解锁,我可以再试一次。是否有一些标准的方法可以实现这一点,也许是某种队列或数据结构,或者是否有特定于数据库的方法来...
fmt.Println(affect) db.Close() } func checkErr(err error) {iferr !=nil { panic(err) } } 注意sqlite3共享锁的问题:参考https://blog.csdn.net/LOVETEDA/article/details/82690498golang操作sqlite时database is locked 的坑以及rows.Close()
func DetectContentType(data []byte) string func Error(w ResponseWriter, error string, code int) func Handle(pattern string, handler Handler) func HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request)) func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler) error func ListenAndServeTLS(addr, ...
标准库 database/sql 定义了 go 语言通用的结构化查询流程框架,其对接的数据库类型是灵活多变的,如 mysql、sqlite、oracle 等. 因此在 database/sql 中,与具体数据库交互的细节内容统一托付给一个抽象的数据库驱动模块,在其中声明好一套适用于各类关系型数据库的统一规范,将各个关键节点定义成抽象的 interface,由...
"database/sql" _ "github.com/ziutek/mymysql/godrv" ) _操作其实是引入该包,而不直接使用包里面的函数,而是调用了该包里面的init函数。 2.连接至数据库 db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "root:root@/uestcbook") (1)sql.Open("mysql", "username:pwd@/databasename") ...