Optimus Cache Prime - Smart cache preloader for websites with XML sitemaps. riako - High level utility methods for interacting with Riak databases Weed File System - fast distributed key-file store whisper-go - library for working with whisper databases squirrel - Fluent SQL generation for golang...
This is a wrapper around theCosmWasm VM. It allows you to compile, initialize and execute CosmWasm smart contracts from Go applications, in particular fromx/wasm. Structure This repo contains both Rust and Go code. The Rust code is compiled into a library (shared.dll/.dylib/.soor static.a...
Smart new issues detector: don't print existing issues on changed lines. Integration with Text Editors. On-the-fly code analysis for text editors: it should be super-fast. Minimize false-positives by fixing linters and improving testing tooling. ...
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. Brian Kernighan Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on t...
go动— 工作动 · 行动 · 走动 · 去动 · 于动 · 进行动 · 说动 · 参加动 · 成为动 · 前往动 · 行进动 · 去世动 · 离开动 · 变得动 · 运行动 · 去做...动 · 进展动 · 运转动 · 损坏动 · 去参加动 · 下降动
当然这还不够,我们还在进行新的尝试,就是 Go+ smart blocks。由此我们不仅可以用文本查看代码,也可以像 Scratch 一样用块的形式来查看。它具备块编程简单直观的特点,同时「smart」也提高了它的生产效率。 下图是 smart block 的展示。它最大的优势在于不会写错语法,虽然没有 vs code 的效率高,但是因为块编程是...
If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!
2.智能合约SmartContract 在marbles02_private/目录下存储着示例程序的Go程序文件marbles_chaincode_private.go。 其中定义了一个关于弹球(marble)交易的智能合约SmartContract。 结构体Marble用于存储弹球数据 type Marble struct { ObjectType string `json:docType` //用于区分状态数据库中不同类别的对象 Name string ...
JobRunner - Smart and featureful cron job scheduler with job queuing and live monitoring built in. jobs - Persistent and flexible background jobs library. leprechaun - Job scheduler that supports webhooks, crons and classic scheduling. scheduler - Cronjobs scheduling made easy.JSON...
Mina - A lightweight, constant-sized blockchain that runs zero-knowledge smart contracts Polygon Edge - A modular, extensible framework for building Ethereum compatible networks Celestia Node - The Go implementation of Celestia's data availability nodes Status go - Status bindings for go-ethereum,...