Other forms: went over; going over; gone over; goes overDefinitions of go over verb examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition synonyms: check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, look into, suss out check, check off, mark, mark off, tick, tick off ...
the concert went over very well Alsogo through preposition to examine and revise as necessary he went over the accounts Alsogo through preposition to clean she went over the room before her mother came preposition to check and repair can you go over my car please? Alsogo through preposition ...
check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, suss out, look into analyse, analyze, examine, study, canvass, canvas - consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a...
go over的词源 go over(v.) 1580年代,“逐点检查”; 见go(动词)+over(副词)。意思是“成功”来自1923年。 同样来自于:1580s 相关词汇 go(v.) 古英语gan“前进,行走; 离开,离去; 发生,发生; 征服; 观察,实践,锻炼”,源自西日耳曼语*gaian(还包括古撒克逊语、古弗里斯语gan,中古荷兰语gaen,荷兰语gaan...
go over的詞源 go over(v.) 1580年代,“逐點檢查”; 見go(動詞)+over(副詞)。意思是“成功”來自1923年。 也來自:1580s 相關條目 go(v.) 古英語gan“前進,行走; 離開,離去; 發生,發生; 征服; 觀察,實踐,鍛鍊”,源自西日耳曼語*gaian(還包括古撒克遜語、古弗里斯語gan,中古荷蘭語gaen,荷蘭語gaan,古...
1 : to be carried over a ship's side 2 : to be discarded Budget cuts meant that some projects had to go by the board. go easy : to be sparing go easy with the sugar go easy on the kid go fly a kite : to stop being an annoyance or disturbance told him to go fly...
go over meaning, definition, what is go over: to think very carefully about something...: Learn more.
Definition of go over phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
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The proposal went over very well with the trustees. to examine: The mechanic went over the car but found nothing wrong. to read; scan. to attempt to obtain; strive for: You'll never get what you want if you don't go after it energetically. ...