Google docs是我每天都使用的,不但可以簡單的直接用Document/Presentation/Spreadsheet/Form/Drawing ,還可以直接share給朋友或者相關的朋友,又可以一起修改同一個檔案,這些實在方便!這麼好用的,很努力的找到這個叫GoDocs的iPad/iPhone app,令使用google docs時更好
What's New in Version 3.0 of GoDocs for Google Docs # View documents: - Professional PDF Viewer - PDF links support # Edit documents: - "Mobile"/"Desktop" modes switch - Autologin for online editing # Manage documents: - Organize in folders from within the app ...
Edit Google Docs anonymously First, let’s see how you can anonymously edit a Google Docs document. Google uses your Google account information to recognize you and show your profile icon in the list of editors at the top. There is no built-in option to hide this information, but if you ...
Google has rolled out an update for Android 2.2+ and iOS 3.0+ users that will allow them to edit Google Docs documents. Till now, you could only read or download documents from the mobile version of Google Docs but from now on you can also edit your documents from mobile, anywhere at a...
The article reports on the launch of Google Inc.'s mobile viewing support for Google Docs on Android, iPhone and iPad platforms. It reveals the good points of the mobile version of Google Docs like the chance of the users to view PDFs, PowerPoint and .doc. It allows users to view their...
Google Go (golang) library for reading and writing spreadsheet files on Google Docs. - Iwark/spreadsheet
This story, “Google gives up on mobile Google Docs, buys Quickoffice to go native,” was originally published at Get the first word on what the important tech news really means with the InfoWorld Tech Watch blog. For the latest developments in business technology news, follow...↩ 1. Introduction1.1 What is Go?From the website1 -Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software....
Google讨论组: GOST v3 安装 二进制文件 源码编译 git clone go build Docker docker run --rm ginuerzh/gost -V ...
Note that this should be a fairly rare case, as an automatic failover normally happens when the primary is down, and the race condition shouldn't happen unless it comes back up online as soon as the failover is kicked off. On the other hand, when this happens, a MySQL application can...