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厂商:Google In 5.0分 50% 50% 软件介绍 谷歌地图精简版app是原来的谷歌地图应用的轻便渐进式网页应用版本,英文名为Maps Go。该版本与完整版谷歌地图相比,占用的设备空间只有原来的百分之一。并且不仅可以在设备内存有限、网络不稳定的情况下流畅运行,还能为您提供位置信息、实时路况动态、路线,以及火车、汽车和城市...
=nil{fmt.Printf("Failed to create client: %v\n",err)os.Exit(1)}req:=&maps.StaticMapRequest{Center:"New York, NY",Zoom:14,Size:"400x400",Markers:[]maps.Marker{{Label:"A",Color:"red",Location:&maps.LatLng{Lat:40.71402,Lng:-73.992,},},},APIKey:apiKey,}url,err:=req.URL()if...
Google Maps Go : the lighter version of the original Google Maps app. Designed to run smoothly on devices with limited memory and on unreliable networks without compromising speed to provide your location, real-time traffic updates, directions, and train, bus, and city transit information. You c...
Learn:Download & Install Google Maps Go on Non-Compatible Device The App is designed to run smoothly on devices with limited memory and on unreliable networks without compromising speedto provide your location, real-time traffic updates, directions, and train, bus, and city transit information. ...
Google Maps GO更有善於騎機車導航、大眾運輸(捷運、公車、火車)的路線規劃App!若是平常比較常搭乘交通運輸或走路,個人覺得會比原本的Google地圖操作介面更清楚,也更輕量省空間~就算是在網路比較差的地方,一樣能順暢定位,不用擔心很卡跑不動或手機跑很慢,等於是Google Maps Lite版本,差別是少了離線導航、定位紀...
Download Google Maps Go User Interface Overall, the user interface (UI) of both the apps is quite similar. When you launch the apps for the first time, you won’t find much difference. There is a search bar at the top, quick actions at the bottom and two floating buttons on the right...
Google Maps Go is a free and lightweight version of Google Maps, officially licenced and developed by Google LLC. It is designed to improve over the usability of the standard Google Maps app when running on older phones or networks with poorer reception. ...
Google Maps Go 的功能和标准的谷歌地图区别不大,而且支持的国家也非常全,如果你的手机在运行谷歌地图时出现了问题,可以保存上面的 PWA 在你的桌面上。当然你也可以去谷歌商店看看你的设备支不支持 Google Maps Go,不过其 下载次数目前也只显示为 10 ~ 50,绝大部分人应该都只能对这个应用干瞪眼了。
Free download Google Maps Go 161.1 Pro / Premium MOD Version Unlocked Ad-Free APK for Android. Lightweight app for maps, traffic, and transit info.