当执行go test某一个指定函数时报:testing: warning: no tests to run 例如go test -v -run Mytest 测试文件名字必须是这个_test后缀 xxxx_test.go 如果不是指定函授运行 , 那么测试函数必须是Test开头 例如下面这个文件才可以 package tools import ("fmt""testing") func TestMytest(t*testing.T) { Myte...
当执行go test某一个指定函数时报:testing: warning: no tests to run 例如go test -v -run Mytest 测试文件名字必须是这个_test后缀 xxxx_test.go 如果不是指定函授运行 , 那么测试函数必须是Test开头 例如下面这个文件才可以 package tools import ("fmt""testing") func TestMytest(t*testing.T) { Myte...
当执行go test某一个指定函数时报:testing: warning: no tests to run 例如go test -v -run Mytest 测试文件名字必须是这个_test后缀 xxxx_test.go 如果不是指定函授运行 , 那么测试函数必须是Test开头 例如下面这个文件才可以 代码语言:javascript 复制 packagetoolsimport("fmt""testing")funcTestMytest(t*test...
2. go test 时 testing: warning: no tests to run 原因:编写测试函数不规范导致 解决办法:golang的单元测试文件规范为: 测试文件名:xxx_test.go(以"_test"结尾) 被测试函数:TestXXX(xxx)(以"Test"开头的函数) 1)指定运行测试函数 go test -run Test运行的函数名称 //比如测试函数名为:TestHello(t *...
1 2 3 4 PASS ok _/C_/Users/xycui/Desktop/goproject/src/util 0.172s testing: warning: no tests to run 那么,这里就推荐使用测试包来做单元测试了 这样,测试那个包就在哪个包下运行go test就ok了 代码如下 1 Queue代码如下: 1 2 3 4
$ go test -run='^$' -bench=. testing: warning: no tests to run BenchmarkFprint-4 300000 5056 ns/op PASS ok github.com/mvdan/sh/printer 1.574s [no tests to run] The[no tests to run]doesn't bother me, but the extra line at the beginning does. I think this should be turned ...
golang写测试用例报no tests were run 技术标签: go语言基础在写go的测试test时,可能·会出现报 no tests were run 或者no test files问题,如果其他解决方法不行的话,可以试一下将该测试的文件名修改成蛇形如:trim_space_test.go 后面加一个 _test 就可以进行测试了。 修改前: 修改后:... 查看原文 py...
(I'm on go version go1.19.5 linux/amd64) go test reports a warning if there's nothing to do: $ go test -run test_that_doesn't_exist testing: warning: no tests to run The commands go test, go run, go build, and go install will also warn i...
testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok gfw/test 0.293s 测试单个文件需要带上被测试的源文件 $ go test -v cache_test.go test main === RUN TestCache Test Cache --- PASS: TestCache (0.00s) PASS ok command-line-arguments 0.294s ...
im beat im sailing on this te im sorry for the tear imturningmyheadupandd ive come to make sure ive been dying to mee i ay igotmyeyesonyou ill run some tests on ill transfer you to t im an ordinary man im so sorry ialwaysknewitwouldcom iamafraid iamawakenwithoutreaso iamhereforyo...